Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

By Janet Carlton
Almost every mother discovers that her job description includes sleep deprivation. She may be awakened by a colicky infant, a teething toddler, a chronic bed wetter, a sick youngster, even a fearful teen.
After bearing nine children, I can honestly say that from the birth of our first child until two years after our last, I hardly ever slept through an entire night. That season of my life encompassed twenty-one years. Did I handle it graciously? Sometimes I was spiritually prepared and rose to minister to my child/children with gentleness and patience. For instance, nursing a baby at 3:00 AM often became a good opportunity to intercede for others or to worship without distraction. I tried to remember that since I was up anyway, I may as well be productive with prayer and praise. However, there were nights when I forsook some of that good perseverance. On one such night, the Lord arrested me with a few words that transformed my attitude and behavior.
I had settled into bed next to my husband for about the fourth time, exhausted after awakening and attending to multiple cries. Then - not again! I heard a whimper from our restless infant. "Pleeeeease, go back to sleep," I thought. "God, please make him go back to sleep." It was not to be. The whimper intensified. Aggressively, I swung my feet over the side of our bed, hoping John would be roused enough to feel guilty about his blanketed comfort. Yet what could he do? Nursing a baby was a job for Mom alone. Still, I wanted pity, so after rising and gruffly declining his nice, but useless offer of assistance, I stomped toward our door and opened and closed it noisily with frustration. My selfish flesh was manifesting, and I was headed for our baby’s room with mounting anger.
Upon entering the hallway, I was stopped. I heard a soundless voice. Out of my innermost being, in clear resonance, the Holy Spirit relayed the words of this short sentence:
"You’re watching over your flock by night."
Instantly, I melted.
How sweet of the Lord to encourage, rather than scold me, and how loving of Him to remind me that I wasn’t the only one awake. "He who keeps you will not slumber, Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:3-4). I thought of what the shepherds in Bethlehem experienced when they were watching over their flocks by night. They were awake to see and hear the angelic hosts of heaven declaring the birth of our Savior! What important spiritual messages or lessons might I miss if I harbor a negative attitude toward my duties as a mother.
My anger switched to tender communion. Not only did I experience God’s warm fellowship in that otherwise dark and lonesome hour, but also His assurance that my ministry to our growing children was utterly significant to His kingdom - significant enough for Him to send me a healing and empowering word: You’re watching over your flock by night.
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Painting by Mary Cassatt