By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 03 August 2023
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


1. No iPhones

The purpose of the table is not only to eat, but to communicate together. We gather for “face to face table fellowship,” to dialogue, and converse with one another. From the moment of birth, feeding is face to face. God orchestrated His creation so beautifully that when a mother puts her baby to the breast, they are face to face. The babe not only draws milk from the mother’s breasts but looks and communicates with the mother.

We don’t need the competition of iPhones when we gather at the table. They inhibit family communication. They interrupt—and are very rude.

This is another thing you must make happen. Nor do you give in to whining about the matter. Perhaps you could have a basket where each one drops their iPhones before coming to sit at the table. Place the basket far enough away that no one can hear any “dings.”

You will need to watch carefully. At times I have noticed teens and even adults looking down past their meal plate and I realize they are looking at an iPhone hiding under the table! I beg your pardon! Are they so addicted they cannot put it away even for a meal?

2. Direct the Conversation

Have you noticed that family conversation can be shallow or even turn to nothingness? I believe we as parents should direct the conversation. When I prepare a meal, I not only think of what I will cook, but what we will talk about at the table. I like to bring a subject or a question to the table for discussion so we can enjoy stimulating conversation. It’s a time to learn new things from one another, to hone our ideas, and cement convictions. And this saves the conversation from spiraling down into negativity and complaining. Table time should be positive, enjoyable, and fun. You make it happen, dear mother.

Make wonderful things happen at your meal table,

Nancy Campbell