By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 04 June 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I am sure you will be blessed, challenged, and inspired by the beautiful words in this poem from Anna Frey . . .

I sometimes wonder what they will say
When my children have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

I hope they’ll say she treated their dad
Like the most noble king anyone ever had,
On his arm she loved to lean,
She was happy just to be his queen.
She supported him through thick and thin,
Stood by his side, smiling up at him.

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

I hope they’ll say she looked straight in our eyes,
She listened to us through our lows and highs,
She encouraged us, prayed for us, helped us do more
Than we ever thought we could have done before.

I hope they‘ll say she laughed and smiled,
She worked hard, but all the while
She whistled and sang, and you can be sure
The most mundane job was an adventure.

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

I hope they’ll say she loved braiding hair,
Playing outside and catching toads there,
She planned picnics, tea parties, and wooded tree forts,
Expeditions, outings, games of all sorts.

She said our giggles were her favorite sound,
We’d tickle each other ‘till we rolled on the ground,
And when she read a story, the book came alive,
We could hear all the voices if we tried.

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

When Mommy taught us something new,
Hearts mattered more than how much we could do.
And now as we look back and see
Because of the helpers she let us be . . .

Her jobs took longer and made more mess,
But she knew relationships were the best.
And she always would include us too
In all the things she had to do.

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

Mommy always said, without a doubt
We were the best friends she’d ever known about.
We knew she was our best friend too,
And felt quite certain it was true.

Whatever the day, the plan, the weather,
We were happy just to be together.
Side by side and hand in hand
We learned to grow and understand.

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

She would quickly say she that was sorry,
Ask forgiveness for when she got angry.
We often heard her pray and ask
For strength for this important task
Of raising us, for well she knew
It was far more than she could do.

But in His strength, she chose to rest
Knowing His will was the very best,
And living it with all her might,
She embraced it all day, and also night!

I hope that’s what they will say
When they have their own children someday
And they tell them about their mom,
The mommy I am now.

ANNA FREY * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.