Yet right now we are being enslaved. Is it because the Bible is no longer THE BOOK? The Bible tells us that we are to work six days and rest one day of each week. And yet people are now told they cannot work!
The Bible says that a man is worse than an infidel if he does not provide for his family but now men are told they must not provide for their families!
The Bible says that we must not forsake the ASSEMBLING OF OURSELVES TOGETHER, but churches are closed and not yet opened!
The Bible tells us to quarantine the infectious (such as lepers) but not healthy people!
Why are we obeying man rather than God? What has happened to the church? When will it rise up in the authority of God’s eternal Word?
Acts 5:29: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
#obeygodratherthanman #obeygod #hebrews1025 #readgodsworddaily #readgodsworddailywithyourfamily #donotgiveupgodlyprinciples #donotgiveupyourfreedoms #horacegreely #aboverubies #nancycampbell