By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 10 January 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Did you know that Pearson Publishers, the largest textbook publishing company for our children's textbooks, is seeking to undermine our Judeo-Christian values and subtly bring in anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel information?

One of these books is "The Cultural Landscape and Human Geography" which is being used in our local highs schools. Pearson Publishers has hired a consultant, Shabbir Mansuri, who is promoting Islamic and anti-Semitic propaganda to our children. Mansuri has publicly stated that he is “waging a bloodless revolution in America’s schools.”

To sign a petition to remove Pearson Publisher's and other similar textbooks from being used in our state schools, please go to: (Proclaiming Justice to the Nations), click on Involved and then Petitions.

Let's take a stand. Nancy