By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 25 August 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Jacob said to Laban: “I will again feed and keep thy flock” (Genesis 30:31). For 20 long years Jacob shepherded Laban’s flock (Genesis 31:38), but he continued shepherding all his life.

Our mothering is also a shepherding role and even though we may continue mothering for 20 years or more, it doesn’t stop there. We are shepherd-mothers all our lives. This is our role.

What does it mean to shepherd? Two massive tasks—to feed and to keep.

The word “feed” is “raah” and means “to feed, pasture, rule, and care for our flock, but it also means to associate with as a friend.” I was talking to a mother of five teens the other day and she said with a big smile, “My teens are my best friends.”

The word “keep” is “shamar” and means “to guard, keep safe, watch over and protect.” Once again, we are always near our flock. We can’t watch over them if we are not with them. And, of course, we not only protect their physical lives, but their souls and spirits.

Your mothering role is a powerful and fulltime career. Embrace it and enjoy it today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell