By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 26 July 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


It is difficult to survive without encouragement, isn't it? Our husband needs encouraging. Our children need encouraging. And MOTHERS NEED ENCOURAGING. I believe mothers need to encourage one another.

A weekly, or even monthly, Mother's Bible Study can be a great blessing in the lives of mothers. I found it a great blessing when raising our children. I ran a Mother's Bible Study in our home for years, with little ones around me, and often nursing a babe at my breast.

Charles G. Finney talks about the importance of mothers getting together, too. He says,

"Mothers must make the training of their children the subject of much consideration, study and prayer. If any mind should be well stored with knowledge, it is the mind of a mother. If anyone needs to understand philosophy – mental, natural, and moral – it is a mother. If anyone needs the wisdom of a serpent and the harmlessness of a dove, it is a mother. It is, therefore, all important that mothers should meet together, exchange views and books, and converse, pray, and devise every measure for training up their children in the way they should go."

In the next post, I'll give you some ideas you could use when getting together.

Love from Nancy Campbell