LovelyWordsI love to discover new words, don’t you? Here’s some new words you may have not used before, but I think they are beautiful words to add to our vocabulary.
Awhile back I read the book, “A Severe Mercy” by Sheldon Vanauken which also includes 18 unpublished letters by C. S. Lewis. It is the true story of Sheldon and Davy’s romance and life together. They lifted love to a new plane and called their love relationship “INLOVENESS.” To them it was “the greatest glory ever known.” Isn’t this a lovely word to aspire to in our own marriage relationships?
Awhile back I read another new word in one of George McDonald’s books. He talked about “HOMENESS,” picturing the warmth, love, and joy of home. I love this word too. It takes thought, time, love, and prayer to make our home a place of “homeness,” doesn’t it? It’s never wasted time. It’s a beautiful thing. I’s a nice word to add to our vocab too, isn’t it?
Let’s keep going. What about “WOMBNESS”? Did you know there was such a word? Yes, it’s not some imaginative word. It’s a reality. It’s very much part of who we are as women. In fact, you would not be a woman if you did not have a womb!
However, did you know that that wombness also applies to God? The Hebrew word “racham” is used in the Bible to describe the literal womb of woman and to also reveal God’s compassion and tender mercy. It is translated “mercy” 32 times. When we embrace our wombness, we reveal the compassion and mercy of God.
The meaning of “feminine” in the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary is as follows: “The first syllable is probably from womb . . . The last part of the word is probably from man, quasi, “femman,” womb-man. To be feminine is to be ‘a womb man.’”
Embrace these lovely words. And there are so many more words that end with “ness” that describe our beautiful role as a mother and wife. I will share some more with you in future posts.
Have a beautiful day. It’s a lovely fall day here in Tennessee. Hope yours is wonderful too.
Nancy Campbell
Picture: Noble and Megan Barrett. One of my lovely grandbabies growing in the womb. Isn’t it such a beautiful picture?

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