LightOfLightI have just discovered the second stanza to the carol, O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. I had never seen it before, but love the words.

A few years ago, I made up books of carols for us all to use as a family when we sing together at Christmas time. On Christmas Eve, the families come to our home. The whole house is in darkness, except for the lights they carry. We gather together to read the Christmas story and sing the carols. It is always such a beautiful time together.

This year I have added this stanza and pasted it in every book. I want to make sure the children don’t miss out singing the truth of these anointed words. I'd love you to read them too.

True God of true God,
Light of Light eternal,
Lo, He abhors not the
virgin’s womb;
Son of the Father,
Begotten not created;
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell