WorldChangerA thankful attitude changes our world. It changes our attitude toward our husbands. It changes our way of thinking toward our children. It changes how we view our homes. It determines whether we live in enjoyment or misery. It truly is a world-changer.

Here is a little comment from Charles Spurgeon on a little Scripture with only three words:
~ Nancy

“Be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
“When you are grumbling at your plain food, put this as a sandwich between your bread and butter, “Be thankful.”

When you are complaining of the east wind, just try if you cannot spell this little sentence, “Be thankful.”

When you are murmuring about those sharp pains and that long sickness, this is the kind of tune for the little bird to whistle at your window, “Be thankful.”

We have all much for which we should be thankful, however sad we may think our lot to be. Look on the bright side, rejoice in God: “Be thankful.”
~ Charles Spurgeon