By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 04 September 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


How long do we stay a child? Some folks are still acting like children when they are adults.

When we are converted and are born again into God’s family, His goal for us is to be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). He does not want us to stay in our babyhood but little by little, He leads us into maturity.

This is the goal of parenting. Little by little we train our children toward maturity. We deal with their foolish and childish habits. We will not allow them to stamp their feet or get into moods. Why? We don’t want them to grow up acting like children.

And yet this is how many couples live in their marriages. They continue to act like children, demanding their own way, and look out if they don’t get it! It’s my way or the highway! If they don’t throw a fit, they’ll withdraw into the silent treatment. Or stay in a mood that permeates the atmosphere of the whole house. Help.

What does the Bible say about this? First Corinthians 13:11, the chapter that teaches us about agape love says: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I PUT AWAY childish things.”

Did you notice these words? “I PUT AWAY childish things.”

The AMPC says: “I AM DONE which childish ways and have put them aside.

The CJB says: “I HAVE FINISHED with childish ways.”

Knox: “I have OUTGROWN childish ways.”

The other day I was offended at the attitude of my husband towards me. I conjured up in my head how his attitude was selfish—and poor me! Then of course, God convicted me. What a lot of junk! I was acting like a child! Ridiculous. It was all a big self-pity trip! And lies from the enemy!

And so I finished with it. I was DONE WITH IT! And now I can hardly remember what it was all about. And I don’t intend to recall it.

You see, dear ladies we either choose to behave like an immature child or behave like an adult. None of us are perfect. Why do we get upset over some little thing (that we may think is a big thing) but usually because we are making it bigger in our minds!

Maturity overlooks idiosyncrancies. It puts aside words and actions and hurts from others and forgives and loves! This challenge comes in the love chapter! Agape love does not love according to circumstances and feelings. God’s love continues to love in spite of anything and everything.

Let’s choose to be adults instead of children.

Love from Nancy Campbell