By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 05 September 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


How close are you joined together as husband and wife? How close does God want you to be joined together?

The word that God uses for marriage closeness is the Hebrew word “dabaq.” It is translated “cleave” in Genesis 2:24 which means “to cling to, to follow close, to stick, to be joined.”

Other English words are used in other passages and each word helps us to understand more of the oneness God desires in the marriage relationship.

I love the passage where it is used to describe the leviathan in Job 41:15-17 (HCSB). Let’s read the description:

“His pride is in his rows of scales, CLOSELY SEALED TOGETHER (dabaq). One scale is SO CLOSE TO ANOTHER THAT NO AIR CAN PASS BETWEEN THEM.” They are joined so closely that they cannot be separated.

What do you think of that ladies? God wants us to be joined so closely that no air can pass between us! Impossible to separate. What a great description of cleaving!

When Jesus was on earth, He confirmed Genesis 2:24. When answering the Pharisees about marriage, He said in Matthew 19:4, 5 (HCSB): “’Haven’t you read,’ He replied, ‘that He who created them in the beginning made them male and female . . . For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh.’”

Jesus not only confirmed God’s original words but elevated them to a greater level: “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, man must not sperate.’”

This means we are to be glued together, never to come apart. We are so stuck together that’s it’s well-nigh impossible for anything or anyone to pull us apart.

My grandson said to me recently, “Nana, they call a husband and wife a couple. But doesn’t God say they are one?

“Yes, you are absolutely correct,” I replied.

Maybe, rather than saying, “Look at that lovely couple walking along,” we should say, “What a lovely “oneness” walking together.”

How close are you making your marriage?

Love from Nancy Campbell