In yesterday's post, we talked about whether we are wilting, surviving, or flourishing in our home. God's will for you is to flourish. Here's some ways to flourish in your home:
F FLAVOR your home with joy, sweetness, and happiness (what a nice flavor)!
L LOVE every moment of your mothering (rather than dreaming of when these days will be over).
O OFFER your life as a living sacrifice (knowing that you save your life by losing it--Mark 11:35 and Romans 12:1-2).
U UNIFY your home by speaking peace into every situation.
R REVEL in the joy of mothering and nurturing the precious gifts God has given to you (knowing that your Employer is God Himself).
I INTENTIONALLY make positive things happen in your home (don't let the day lead you around in circles, but instead purposefully direct your day by the leading of the Holy Spirit).
S SANCTIFY your home daily with prayer, praises, and the washing of God's Word (Ephesians 5: 26).
H HEAP hugs and kisses on your husband and children.
Which one speaks to you the most?
Love from Nancy Campbell