By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 14 November 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


In yesterday's post, we talked about whether we are wilting, surviving, or flourishing in our home. God's will for you is to flourish. Here's some ways to flourish in your home:

F FLAVOR your home with joy, sweetness, and happiness (what a nice flavor)!
L LOVE every moment of your mothering (rather than dreaming of when these days will be over).
O OFFER your life as a living sacrifice (knowing that you save your life by losing it--Mark 11:35 and Romans 12:1-2).
U UNIFY your home by speaking peace into every situation.
R REVEL in the joy of mothering and nurturing the precious gifts God has given to you (knowing that your Employer is God Himself).
I INTENTIONALLY make positive things happen in your home (don't let the day lead you around in circles, but instead purposefully direct your day by the leading of the Holy Spirit).
S SANCTIFY your home daily with prayer, praises, and the washing of God's Word (Ephesians 5: 26).
H HEAP hugs and kisses on your husband and children.

Which one speaks to you the most?

Love from Nancy Campbell