By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Are you horrified, as I am, at what is happening in Ottawa, Canada? It is unbelievable to think that Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act to gain total control over the peaceful protestors in Canada. They even want to freeze the bank accounts of anyone who has been involved or helped financially. They are not only tyrannizing but stealing!

I have been in touch with people who been “on the ground” IN THE FREEZING COLD at the Ottawa protest since its inception and are still there. I have watched videos and it has been a joyful and peaceful protest of people singing, worshipping God, and praying. In fact, most reports reveal that this peaceful protest is predominantly Christian.
These are people are standing for their freedom against mandates that take dominion over their lives and over their bodies. I think of the words in Nehemiah 9:36, 37: “Behold, we are servants this day and for the land that thou gavest unto our father to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we are servants in it . . . also they have dominion over our bodies . . . at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.”
This is what is happening with mandatory vaccinations. Most of these truckers have already lost their jobs and their livelihood. But they are standing not only for themselves but for all those who are being tyrannized.
Canada is meant to be part of the free world, and this is nothing less than tyranny! It is disgusting and the beginnings of Nazi Germany.
We are in a war, a war of freedom versus tyranny. Our greatest weapon of war is the place of prayer. Are you praying? We have been praying morning and evening and will continue to pray. But we must also stand up and be a voice. We cannot carry on with our lives without doing something. This issue will affect the whole world. If Trudeau has his way, it will set a precedent for the whole world to come under tyranny.
If freedom wins, it will set free many other countries that are locked down and where their people are under servitude and already being thrown in internment camps. Are you aware of what is going on in the world?
I was talking to a Canadian this morning and she said that they ware wanting people all over the world to contact their Canadian Embassy and register their disgust at what is happening
Let’s respond by calling our Embassies. The phone number for the Canadian Embassy in USA is 1 844 880 6519. You will have to wait on the line after 9 options. When I spoke with a representative, she tried to give the excuse that there was violence in the protests but that is the liberal agenda they are trying to portray. Be strong and register your protest.
You can also email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let’s do our part to bring freedom to this nation and ultimately the world. We dare not sit back and do nothing for the sake of the future of our children and grandchildren.
Yours for freedom,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. Let’s pray for the JERICHO MARCH. Every morning many folks march around Parliament Hill in Ottawa. On Thursday they will march around seven times.