GodLovesBabiesActs 7:20 (AMP) tells us that when Moses was born, he was "BEAUTIFUL in the sight of God." I also think of 2 Samuel 12:24 which tells us that when Solomon was born, "the Lord LOVED him." What incredible Scriptures that reveal the heart of God towards children.

God loves all babies. I picture Him looking down with love, oohing and aahing over each new baby He creates. He looks upon the innocent babe and sees all the beauty of His creation, all the gifts and talents He has put in this child, and the destiny that awaits him or her. Each child is ultimately HIS child, but He releases the babe with a clean slate into the hands of parents.

How seriously we should receive this charge. We have a full-time career, and our employer is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

And how we should have a heart of protection over every baby conceived the womb for that baby already has the DNA it will have when it is older. It is new human being that is beginning live.

If God loves babies, shouldn’t we love babies? The devil is the mastermind behind murdering babies.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell