By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 06 November 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Written after a miscarriage.

They called you a “product of conception,”
I cringed as the phrase echoed in the room.
“Are you referring to my baby?” I asked,
“The one that’s been growing in my womb?”

You were so much more than a “product,”
Even though you were very small.
Why does size determine terms?
That shouldn’t matter at all!

“Yes, you were so wanted,”
I hated that the question was routine.
You were cherished from the first thought,
You were a hope, a LIFE, a dream.

This world has become a hostile place for life,
They don’t understand why we love being a
mother and wife.
Little ones are quickly tossed aside
by the thousands every day.
“Don’t be sad ma’am, carry on, your product is
gone away.”

They think it’s so simple and freeing, to choose
a path of loss,
It’s called self-care in our culture, without even
counting the cost.
Scientists have discovered that when you’re gone.
Some of your DNA can be found in my brain,
That brings me comfort and helps ease my sadness
and pain.

We chose to name you Faithful, when we learned
you were in Heaven that night.
Reminding us that God is faithful,
And how everything He does is right.

Your tiny life made a difference, Little One.
We will always remember you.
I can’t wait to meet you in Heaven
And tell you that “Mommy loved you.

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Lauren miscarried after five children.