Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

As soon as Eve opened her eyes to life she was in her home, the God-ordained place for women to make a holy sanctuary for God and a safe nest to raise and train their children. Micah 2:9 (GNT) talks about women being driven from the "HOMES THEY LOVE." It goes on to say, "You have ROBBED THEIR CHILDREN OF MY BLESSINGS forever."
The Amplified Classic version translates: “From their young children you take away My glory forever.” In other words, it is the glory of children to be raised in the home.
The Amplified states: “From her . . . children you take away My splendor and blessing forever (by putting them among the pagans, away from Me.)” Why do we send our children off to be taught by pagans?
It is God's blessing for children to be raised with their mother in the home—and especially when the mother LOVES BEING IN HER HOME WITH HER CHILDREN. Children are robbed from their God-given blessings when they are left with alternative caregivers and taken away from the home.
Enjoy your home and children today,
Nancy Campbell