By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 31 May 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


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Are you struggling in your marriage? Please don’t give up. Push through the barriers. Don’t hold on to your hurts and rejections. Forgive. Love. You will be so glad you didn’t give up. Marriage is not always perfect. You keep pressing on learning to love one another and fit in with one another. And then you find it gets better and better.

Please don’t miss the rewards of a lasting marriage. You will be so glad you pressed through. And you will be amazed at how God molds you together over the years as you allow Him. I know you’ll love this writing from Renee Ellison, DAILY DUO DOIN’ THE DISTANCE!
~ Nancy

“Most marriages are a struggle in the beginning, but surprisingly, after several decades each good marriage discovers that they HAVE someHOW, someWHAT settled into their own unique way of communicating and operating between the two very distinct and different personalities and modus operandi.

Each good marriage has been building this lifetime "date" into something bigger than both of them knew. This steadfast commitment becomes something better than we each imagined. Such marriages emerge on the other side as dependable lead pipes of stability and "comforting slippers" in one's life. Marvel of marvels.

It is so interesting to note that no two couple's marriages ever look the same. Each marriage is world’s different in likeness and kind, apparently God's very design and intent. He fashioned each set of believer's marriages to differ like stars differing from stars in glory. Perhaps "glory" is too strong a word—more like "ordinary daily duo doin' the distance!”

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