By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 14 August 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


By Jenny Silliman

Morning sickness, nighttime too,
Sleepy and tired the whole day through,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Money’s tight and clothes don’t fit,
More to sew and mend and knit,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Baby stuff is everywhere,
And I just sit here in my chair.
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Daddy declares, “We’re going out to eat!”
“Then ties my shoes, I can’t reach my feet.”
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Waiting and waiting, and pains at last,
Only false labor and due date past,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Out in public, huge and humble,
“Is this your first?” “My sixth,” I mumble.
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Strangers’ advice, looks and sneers,
Taking comments, jokes, and jeers,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Five children in tow, one on the way,
Out shopping my nerves begin to fray,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Aches and pains and heavy with child,
Can’t wait to put Baby down awhile.
Oh thank You God! A baby!

The pains begin, they’re good and strong,
Pray and labor all night long.
Oh thank You God! A baby!

Labor and sweat and bear the pain,
Husband works to share the strain,
Oh thank You God! A baby!

The babe is born, oh sweet reward.
What a blessed gift from the Lord.
Oh thank You God! A Baby!