Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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“I wrote this poem one evening after a grievous state law had been passed permitting (and celebrating) late term abortion rights. I could not help but think about the parallels between the innocent lives being taken and Jesus, the innocent, being crucified. I am a mother of seven and my heart breaks for the loss of life that plagues our country and world.”
Two men stood accused before a judge,
the crowds demanded blood.
One, a convicted murderer,
One, the Son of God.
The former already proven guilty,
In the latter no guilt to be found.
He couldn’t with clear conscience decide
For death there were no grounds.
So, he let the people choose:
One to die,
The other to walk free.
And they satisfied their bloodthirsty desires
And nailed the innocent One to the tree.
Today, a mother and her child,
Heart beating already inside.
Which life is given more value?
Who gets the right to decide?
Again, the innocent
Gets slaughtered like the Lamb,
And love for Self
Gets called a Choice.
A little life
Has lost her voice.
An empty tomb.
An empty womb.
I see them sitting there,
On a hill beside that tree.
Jesus takes her little hand
Gently lifts her upon his knee.
“Your mama would have loved you so,
Her greatest joy you would have been,
But just like Eve she accepted a lie,
And was grievously deceived by sin.
She traded her greatest riches and wealth
Only to end up empty and poor.
But do not weep, sweet little one,
For I could not love you more.”
~ Holly Bennington
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