By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 03 September 2024
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


by Jennifer Anne Messing

Lord, may I honor Your Name by keeping a peaceful home.
May Your Word and Your promises be quoted often and sprinkled generously throughout our conversations.
May our sons and daughters know the fullness and the sweetness of Your everlasting love for them.
May the practices of kindness, tenderness, and selfless love guide our words and actions toward one another.
May we strive to work with all diligence in the tasks of home, resting content in the center of Your will.
May each guest in our home sense Your gentle presence and be nourished with manna freely given from Your bountiful table.
May You equip us daily to live godly and fruitful lives.
May Your purposes for our home be accomplished, for we offer ourselves to You as living sacrifices. Amen.