By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 30 November 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Now that you have children and babies, do you find it difficult to make a time when you can quietly (???) pray and read God's Word? You may not be able to do it the same way you did before children came along. However, here is a little idea for you.

What about a Meditation Basket? Place in a suitable basket all the things that will inspire you when you have your Quiet Time (or not so quiet if the children are around you). Place in the basket...

Your Bible
A Daily Devotional of your choice (you may like to put in 100 DAYS OF BLESSING, Devotions for Wives and Mothers, available from
You may like to add a different version of the Bible than you normally read
An old hymn book (it is wonderful to read some of the wonderful old hymns to inspire you in your walk with the Lord).
A hard-covered diary in which you can write the most important Scripture God gives you for the day.
Two or three pens (or even more as they seem to disappear quickly), as you want to have a pen on hand to write when God speaks to you. You won't want to forget what He says to you.
And now I have to remember to put in my glasses! Or perhaps two pairs because they are forever disappearing!

Now you are organized, you can pick up your basket whenever you can make a few moments to meditate in the Word. When you pick up your baby to nurse, pick up your Meditation Basket too. You may get a few minutes of blessing to your soul as you nurse your baby. You can take it anywhere with you in the house.

Or, in nice weather, take it outside under a tree to gather a few minutes of inspiration while you are watching the children play, or wherever you want to go. It’s all in the basket.

Your Meditation Basket will help you to make these moments to spend with the Lord as you don’t have to run around finding your Bible and added inspirations. They are all in the basket. Try it.

Love from Nancy