On Sunday we enjoyed another family wedding—Josiah and Shelby. It is so wonderful to observe Josiah and his love for babies and children (he himself is the oldest of 11 children).
At their rehearsal Josiah and Shelby were both constantly holding babies. And on their wedding day, even though Josiah was enamored with his beautiful bride, he constantly sought out little babies to cuddle. During the speeches at the end of the day little Remmy (Serene’s baby) began crawling along the floor. I observed that immediately Josiah got down behind the chair and peeked out behind it to get Remmy’s eye and play with him. He can’t help himself.
During the bride and groom dance, Josiah’s little sister came and danced all around them and they loved it.
This is such a beautiful thing to me. And such a manly thing. So many young men today would not even have the time of day to notice a baby, especially on their wedding day. Sadly, they have been raised in a humanistic society that doesn’t embrace children. They don’t know anything about babies or raising children. They have been raised in two-child families where they have not had the privilege of little ones around them and don’t know how to relate to them.
Josiah and Shelby are a young couple. But they are ready. Josiah is ready to take on providing for his wife and a family as they come along. They are both ready to embrace family, and as soon as possible. This is true manhood. This is God’s plan from the very beginning of time. He didn’t intend men to amble along in their single estate for years and years. He purposes for men to get married, take on their manly responsibility, and embrace children.
Let’s raise sons who are real men.
Love from Nancy Campbell
Picture: Josiah cuddling Ezzie (Rashida’s baby) on his wedding day.