Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


LiftUpHandsMen, it is time right now, while we have this window of opportunity, to gather our families around us and pray for our president and all his cabinet.

I was concerned in my spirit last night as I lay in bed thinking about the screaming protestors around the country and across the world, protesting over almost everything President Donald Trump seeks to do for the good and protection of our country.

I was reminded of what I believe God spoke to me on the final day of our elections. He challenged me that if he would give America Donald Trump to be our next President, would I pray for him daily? I did not want to be presumptuous or careless with my answer, knowing how easy it is to say Yes to something, but not follow through. And so, I answered, “By your grace I will commit myself.”

I never realized at the time just how quickly such yelling, hateful speech actions and protests would immediately happen. Much of it is inspired by a reprobate, liberal, and extreme socialist media, as well as being financed by the wealthy communist, George Soros.

I am reminded of the battle between Israel and the Amalekites in Exodus 17:8-16. Verse 11 says: “And it happened, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.”

Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands on both sides. Trump, like Joshua, is physically fighting against the enemies of our country and constitution. Many of these people prefer Islam above Christianity. They prefer abortion and death of innocent unborn children. They oppose life and all that is godly. Romans 1:28 says that God gives them up to a “reprobate mind.”

When Moses was up on the hill with his arms held high and the rod of God in his hand, Israel prevailed. The rod of God is now in the hands of Jesus Christ, the son of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1). Men, we must get up in the high hill of the Lord (Psalm 15) and lift holy hands. Get your wife and children to join in the fight and hold up your hands together for our land.

1 Timothy 2:8: “I will therefore that men pray every where, LIFTING HOLY HANDS, without wrath and doubting.”

1 Timothy 2:1-4: “I exhort therefore, that FIRST, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior: Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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PrayPresidentMen, I believe we should be most grateful for our new president. God, in His mercy, has given us a president who wills to work very hard to save America from the extreme socialist agenda and global ideology of our last president, Barak Obama. Hilary Clinton would have taken this country further into the pit of destructive liberalism.

Now that God has so graciously answered our prayers, we must be faithful to pray daily for our new government.

When listening to Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer give his second interview with the press, he was asked how the new administration felt about the woman’s demonstration. He defended their rights to free speech, which to my mind was a compromise, as much of the demonstration protest was loud and filthy abuse of the liberty of free speech.

The people of America, or any country for that matter, should not have to have such vulgarity displayed before their eyes and the eyes of their sons and daughters. This is plain straight abuse of freedom and liberty of public, moral decency. It would have been good if he had brought this to the press’s attention. However, he is doing a good job with the press.

When Donald J. Trump was first nominated to be president of this nation, God challenged my heart to pray for him. At that time, I sent out some pointers to pray for the president. Now that he is in augurated and in power, I feel it is important to remind one another to keep praying. He is only a man, and he cannot do this job without the anointing, wisdom, and help of Almighty God. He needs the prayers of God’s people.

Can I ask you to faithfully pray for him each day? You can do this personally, but, I would also encourage you to pray with your families.

Here are some pointers for you:

1. That he will personally seek God. Pray that instead of being a man of the flesh, he will be become a man of the Spirit. 2 Chronicles 26:5 says of Uzziah: “As long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.”

2. That he will seek God for:

a) Wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:7-10).
b) Godly counsel
c) Humility before God and man
d) Righteousness

3. That he will choose righteous people to take the key positions in our federal government, cabinet, Supreme Court, etc.

4. That he will gather around him godly advisors—God-fearing men and women who stand uncompromisingly for God’s ways and for the Constitution.

5. That he will be fearless and strong against all national and international ungodly, unjust, liberal agendas, especially foreign policies.

6. That he will expose and deal with all government corruption.

7. That he will not compromise on all matters of importance, e.g. life (against abortion and euthanasia), marriage, Common Core, national security, border control, military, etc.

8. That he will stand for ISRAEL and not give in to the UN and the Palestinian propaganda.

9. That he will increasingly have his eyes opened to God’s ways. That he will have discernment between good and evil, right and wrong, clean and unclean, e.g. homosexual agenda. Ezekiel 44:23 states: “They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” Read also Jeremiah 15:9 and Ezekiel 22:6.

10. For divine protection for him and his family, Mike Pence, and his family. Pray against assassins.
11. That he will take the office of the presidency seriously and be a godly example to the nation and to the world. Pray that he will be a great example for good, respected both at home and abroad, and all enemies will shut their mouths.
12. That he will be gracious and kind, but bold and strong when appropriate.

“God Forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you” (1 Samuel 12:23).

“I exhort therefore, that, first, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty . . .” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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IsraelLandIt boggles my mind why most of the world support the so-called “Palestinians” and reject Israel. The “Palestinians” were kicked out of Jordan in 1970 when they tried to take over Jordan. The Palestinian militia were poor and there was no central control, New groups among them sprang up spontaneously or were set up by foreign governments, e.g., Syria and Iraq. The groups rapidly spawned, merged, and splintered, often trying to outdo one another in radicalism to attract recruits. Sounds a lot like ISIS, Boko Haram, and Hamas, etc.

In 1964 PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) took the main stage under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, the militant hater of Israel.

These people began to question the legitimacy of the Jordanian government and called for an overthrow. Between 1968 to the end of 1969 there were no less than 500 violent clashes between the Palestinian guerillas and Jordanian security forces, frequent kidnappings, acts of violence against innocent civilians, and plane hi-jackings.

One time, they beheaded a Jordanian soldier and played football with his head. King Hussein eventually kicked the Palestinians out of Jordan. King Hussein, at the time, was not prepared to go along with the proposed two-state solution called the Roger Agreement with the Palestinians in control of what is now known as the West Bank because he considered it too dangerous for Jordan. If it was too dangerous for Jordan to have a two-state solution with the Palestinians in the 1970’s, why does the world force this upon Israel today?

Kicked out of Jordan, approximately 50 percent went to Lebanon and the other 50 percent were given refugee camps in Israel controlled West Bank. However, in Lebanon they brought about a civil war and in the occupied West Bank they struck out with all forms of killings, death, and destruction against Israel.

Even when Israel wanted to bulldoze down the refugee camps and provide better accommodation, the Palestinians would not allow it for propaganda reasons.

The question is: why does the world support these people instead of little Israel? I say, little Israel, because compared to most other countries in the world they are unbelievably small. Most certainly, in 1967, they took back land that historically belonged to them, but only because they were attacked most severely.

They desperately need this land as a buffer zone for the split seconds required to intercept the thousands of rockets fired against them. How would any of the UN counties accept it if they faced the same situation?

The only reason the world supports the “Palestinians” is because the world, which has little understanding of the Bible and its promises for Israel, is deceived by Palestinian propaganda.

Much of our current, modern media is anti-God and anti-Bible. The Jewish people are returning to Israel by God’s divine decree, fulfilling the Biblical promises. They need room for settlements even though it is dangerous. And they know how to make the barren land productive.

Even though Israel, like Jordan (who at one time offered the Palestinians seats in government and shared leadership in Jordan), has on numerous occasions offered the Palestinians virtually all they have demanded. In fact, at one time they offered them the entire West Bank, except Jerusalem and what was mandated to Israel in 1948. However, they refused to accept that offer. They want all of Israel or nothing. They have proved repeatedly that they cannot be trusted to observe the rules regarding a two-state solution.

Why does the world back this wild horse called the PLO when they should be backing Israel, the peaceful, democratic, small nation living amid enemies?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Picture: A Jewish family prays at the wailing wall which the world wants to take from Israel.

Genesis 15:18; Exodus 23:31; Numbers 34:3-12; Deuteronomy 11:24; Joshua 1:3, 4; Ezekiel 47:17-20.

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VineyardsMany people have never taken the time to study the history of both the Palestinian and Israel issue relating to the “West Bank” or “Disputed Territories” as they have been coined and are therefore, easily deceived by propaganda. The correct name for this area of land is Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem, the heartland of Israel.

The Bible clearly marks the boundaries given to each of the twelve tribes of Israel for an everlasting possession (Genesis 17:8). Read further Scriptures at the end of this post to give you more explicit understanding of the borders. The fact that through their sin and failure to be faithful to their God, they were scattered throughout the nations does not negate the many prophecies from God telling them they would be restored again to their own land, which includes all the so-called West Bank, Gaza strip and Golan Heights etc.

This promise of return and restoration is prophesied in many places through Holy Scriptures. Read Ezekiel, chapters 36 ad 37 and refer again to the link:
Even after Judah’s dispersion by the Roman Empire, a small remnant of Jews remained in the land of Israel. This remnant of Jews remained right up until the time of their nation’s restoration in May 1948.

The so-called “Palestinian” people were primarily based in Jordan and were never the permanent occupiers of the mountains of Israel. They were never driven out of the Promised land by Israel and have never been interested in doing anything agriculturally with the land. This land was promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and will only produce fruitfulness under their possession.

The land is arid, rocky, inhospitable, and desert like. The Palestinians are not in the slightest bit interested in taming and growing it. They only want to use it to obliterate Israel’s presence completely off the map! They only want to steal the land to build strategic rocket launching sites to kill and destroy the innocent and persecuted people of Israel.

On the other hand, Israel is making this barren land blossom like the rose as the Bible states (Isaiah 35:1, 2). They grow luscious grapes and olives out of dry stony ground. Israel needs to occupy this desolate wilderness (which they took back into their control in the 1967 war when they were so viciously attacked by Egypt, Syria, and other surrounding Islamic nations) to settle so many returning Jews.

If you study the wars immediately following Israel’s statehood and the 1967 attack by their Arb neighbors you see that it was only divine, miraculous intervention that caused Israel to win these wars and take back East Jerusalem and other strategic areas.

The “Palestinian” Arabs were kicked out of Jordan in the famous Black September of 1970 when the PLO tried to take over Jordan. In 1970 some two thirds of the Jordanian population were “Palestinian” Arabs. Israel took in approximately 50 percent of the refugees and Lebanon took the other 50 percent. They refused to become one with Israel or receive any offered help to assimilate, but as they had done in Jordan against King Hussain, they now sought to destroy their benefactor, Israel. The same thing happened in Lebanon.

To be continued.

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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ConsiderFactsDid you know that Arab refugees in Israel only began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, nearly twenty years after the establishment of the modern State of Israel?

Did you know that the Jews have had a continuous presence in the land of Israel for well over 3,000 years?

Did you know that Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in Bible, but not once in Koran?

Jews pray facing Jerusalem, but did you know that Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem?

King David founded the city of Jerusalem, but did you know that Mohammed never came to Jerusalem? And what does the Bible say about King David’s reign in Jerusalem which is the forerunner of Jesus’ reign forever and ever? Look up: Psalm 89:4, 29, 34-37; Isaiah 9:6, 7; 24:23; Jeremiah 33:14-22; Micah 4:7; Luke 1:32, 33; and Hebrews 1:8.

Here’s a link for more information: http://www.targetofopportunity.com/palestinian_truth.htm

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PrayForIsraelToday I break into my current series of FATHERING IN GOD’S IMAGE to call us to pray for Israel.

We who love Israel and pray daily for her prophetic future know that this little nation lies at the center point of international tensions and debate. Those who do not know what God’s Word says about Israel’s national destiny are at a distinct disadvantage. How can they stand on the right side of this debate if they don’t know God’s plan and Word?

The devil is the deceiver and is doing his best to disrupt the future God has written regarding Israel in the period known as the “end times.” Although Israel as a nation has little or no regard for Jesus Christ whom we love and trust, we know that in the end times their eyes will be opened to the truth that He is their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).

Those who study the Bible regarding the future of Israel and the land know that it is better to side with God and what He says or we will find ourselves fighting against God (Joel 3:2). Who wants to do that?

We have observed President Obama’s strong Islamic leanings. He is certainly more Islamic than Christian. Through his eight years of presidency he has shunned Prime Minister Netanyahu repeatedly. Now, in his last week or so of office he is trying ever so hard, with a last-ditch effort, to use the Office of the United States to enable the predominately Islamic United Nations to deregulate Israel from their land.

This is the land they have lived in for over 3,000 years. This is the land that was given them by divine mandate for an everlasting possession (Genesis 17: 8). And in 1967 they recaptured the heartland of Israel (the so-called West Bank) from attacking Arab armies and Islamic nations who vastly out-numbered them.

Now we have nations that have never had to face the pogroms, gas ovens, mass destruction, and the serious persecutions that Israel faced over the years bullying them into an even smaller and more vulnerable situation than they can possibly accept for their own protection and survival. Shame on all those countries who own vast areas of land and who have never been surrounded by enemies that hate them and who will never, now or in the future, permit Israel to exist in the Middle East in the land that belongs to them eternally by the promises of God.

Are there a few promises? No, there are hundreds. Check out: http://bit.ly/EverlastingPossesion

Even New Zealand, the country of my birth, turned its back on Israel that lives in land that would amount to one of New Zealand’s provinces. Thank God, the United States has a president coming into office in four says who understands Israel’s dilemma. May God have mercy on my own country of birth, as well as all the countries that turn their back on Israel. None of these countries would accept being bulled to give up land that belonged to them for generations.

There is a God of justice in heaven who sees the arrogance of France and the other European nations, the vast, rich Arab nations surrounding Israel, and the Democratic Obama administration representing the Unties States of America. He will judge the nations for such bullying and prideful actions.

The two-state solution can never work. They have proved it will not work by what the Palestinians have done with the land already given over to them by the pressure of the nations. America has suffered many calamities because we have pressured Israel to give up its Promised Land. An interesting book to read is “As America has Done to Israel” by John P. McTernan.

How dare we mess with God and think we will get away with it? For years, little Israel has been the infamy of the nations, but God loves those who are trodden underfoot and persecuted. Jerusalem belongs to Israel’s Messiah, Jesus Christ, and He will reign forever over the whole earth from the city of Jerusalem (Psalm 89:36,37 and Luke 1:33).

We must humble ourselves and pray.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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BibleFallApart“Christian parents who don’t have daily family devotions and don’t make time to build a solid Christian foundation to their children’s impressionable years should not be mystified when the children, in their teenage years, turn from the things of God.”

~ The Evidence Bible, Compiled by Ray Comfort

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HaveACompHeartAll sin, whether large or small, is rebellion against the ethical and moral standards of God which He has revealed in His Holy Bible.

However, there are some sins that require more drastic measures of discipline. This is to provide protection for the family and to help the offender understand the seriousness of his/her actions of sin and rebellion. The offender should be given clear understanding that mercy and forgiveness are lovingly offered based on sorrowful repentance.

The advice Paul wrote concerning the serious fornicator in 1 Corinthians 5:1-9 regarding his removal from the church family has similar application to the individual family. His being removed from the church with the purpose that his spirit would “be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” was effective to bring this man to compete repentance and ultimate restoration to the church family (2 Corinthians 2:6-11).

All such actions should only be done in the spirit of meekness and in the fear of God.

The parable of the prodigal son would not have ended with the beautiful repentance and father’s forgiveness if the father had forbidden his rebellious son to leave home. The father’s home would never have been the peaceful, righteous, godly atmosphere as previously if the rebellion was overlooked and tolerated.

The rebellious son would never have come to his senses, with repentance and godly sorrow, if he had been encouraged to remain at home in his rebellion.

The mercy, love, and forgiveness displayed by the father who ran towards his repentant homecoming son would not have happened.

Tolerance toward evil never helps to get rid of it!

However, the father never hardened his heart against his son. He watched and watched and waited for his return.

Herein lies the wisdom of God in the dealing with a rebellious son or daughter.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ThoseWhoOpposeThe compassionate heart of fathers and mothers towards their wayward children must somehow and some way be felt by the erring child. Hardness and rejection on behalf of parents often tends to broaden the divide. Much prayer, wisdom, and discretion is needed.

What should parents do with an older teenager who, for whatever excuse, declares themselves homosexual? Should they be allowed to remain in the family home? What impact would that have on the other siblings as well as the godly atmosphere of the home?

The same question can be asked concerning drugs, alcohol, and pornography. Or even a husband or wife involved in adulterous affairs.

The parents (in a spirit of meekness) should seriously admonish the guilty party toward repentance (2 Timothy 2:25). They must give understanding to the offender of how God views their rebellious conduct--firstly against God, and secondly the parent’s family values. The parents must also give clear understanding that they have a God-given mandate to protect the sanctity of the family home as well as the other siblings in the home.

To protect the sanctity of the family’s Christian values, the offender must understand that unless they repent, they cut themselves off from the family home, which of course, you do not want to happen.

If they are working and making their own money, they must know that unless they repent within a reasonable period provided by the parents they must move and out and put their rebellious sin under their own roof.

You will tell them that you will continue to always love them and pray for them. You could also arrange to meet with them as parents at regular times at a certain place, e.g. a coffee bar to encourage them to turn away from their sin. But not in your own home.

They should also see your compassionate heart and know that their actions bring great grief and weeping to your heart.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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HaveCompHeartJames 5;16: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Men, the only way to have our hearts turned towards our children to the degree that God looks for can only happen through prayer.

If our hearts are not concerned for our children,
if we do not care much about the choices they make in life,
if we do not earnestly endeavor to come alongside them to encourage them in the right direction,
if we are indifferent towards their need of help (whatever that may be),
if we allow them to do whatever they want, go wherever they wish, watch and read whatever they want, and keep whatever company they desire,
if we try to do the right thing, but because of constant resistance we give up for the sake of peace,
if we find our hearts growing cold and indifferent towards them,
if we have given up earnestly praying for them—

Before we can expect the right changes to take place in our children’s hearts and lives, we need to first have our own hearts softened and turned toward them. Our own hardness of heart towards them, because of their rebellion etc., can be the biggest hindrance to our children’s hearts being turned back to God’s ways.

I am not staying we should not be resistant towards sin (their sin and our own). However, what I am saying is that our children must FEEL and know more than ever our tender love toward them. Unfortunately, I often find that our severity and abhorrence towards their sin can be the biggest barrier to their healing and restoration. I believe we must never allow hardness to overtake our loving hearts. For this we must pray earnestly.

Our own attitude towards sin must never hinder our love for the sinner.

James 5:15 states: “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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The hearts of the fathers are turned toward their children when the light of their spirits is turned on!

1 John 1:6, 7 says: “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

Men, just as it is impossible for us to have true fellowship with other Christians if we are in any way walking in darkness (dark lusts of the flesh), even so it is impossible to have heart and spirit fellowship with our own family (wife and children), if we allow ourselves to be caught up in any type of darkness.

Proverbs 20:27 says: “The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”

Men who watch pornography or look lustfully upon the opposite sex cause God’s light in their spirits to be extinguished. When the light of the Lord does not shine through our spirits, it is impossible to have true fellowship with one another.

The light of God shining through our spirits, unhindered by hidden sins, is important beyond measure to the wellbeing of our wives and families.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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Men, I believe it is impossible for anyone to have their hearts turned toward children as God intends without heart-felt praying. Of course, there are some unbelieving parents that often put some Christians to shame in the way they love their children. Shame on us! Despite these inconsistencies, I think we would agree that our own Christian culture, for a multitude of reasons, is suffering enormously because of broken parent/child relationships.

While we continue to shed innocent blood like an ever-flowing river of evil through abortion, how can we say that our hearts are turned to children? Are we any different to Islamic extremists who say they love their children and yet allow explosives to be strapped to their innocent bodies to be blown up in a crowded supermarket?

Our new President Elect is careful in appointing good people to major cabinet positions and we rejoice as we see the stock market “going through the roof.” However, the blood of the innocent continues to flow. We need to pray and urge our churches and government to drain this morally evil part of our national swamp. We must pray for the sake of our nation’s innocent children, both unborn and born, that God will be gracious unto us and take away from us all the hardness of heart.

By putting jobs and economy first rather than the moral foundation of the priceless value of innocent blood in the sight of our loving and yet holy God, we will make a grave mistake. Like everybody else, I want to see our nation prosper, but not at the expense of innocent blood. Even the appointment of Supreme Court justices in the moral mindset of Anthony Scalia will not necessarily stop wholesale abortion, although it will help.

It will take tenacity and courage to turn the tide. This means heart-felt praying!

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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f) ENCOURAGING EYES are the opposite of being critical and condemning. Instead, they convey to your child that you believe they can make it through the tests and disciplines of life. Even when the child fails, your eyes will not convey a sense of hopelessness and failure, but rather a look of encouragement and optimism to try again.

g) PURE EYES look for righteousness. Pure eyes will not look upon evil. No man can look righteously at his wife and daughters if his eyes look at pornography. God is calling His men to have pure eyes that are full of light.

The description of Jesus in Revelation 1:14; 2:18; and 19:12 describes his eyes as “a flame of fire.” Daniel’s vision reveals His eyes as “lamps of fire” (Daniel 10:6).

Conversely, icy, cold eyes reveal that our hearts have not yet been turned toward God’s heart for children. This includes indifferent eyes, uninterested eyes, critical eyes, unloving eyes, prideful eyes, and dishonest and lying eyes.

Shifty eyes cannot be trusted. Flattering eyes also cannot be trusted. Eyes that will not look you full in the face signify dishonesty. Winking eyes denote trickery. Flirting eyes promote unholy relationships. Unholy eyes are full of lust.

Let’s live in God’s presence and in His Word to keep pure eyes.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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a) LOVING EYES reveal love even when it is not deserved. Every child should see the message of love in your eyes. No question about it.

b) ADORING EYES go a step further than loving eyes. Adoring eyes reveal a special attraction to the object of attention (the son of your own bowels). God spoke of His own son: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Adoring eyes are devoted and intimate eyes in a godly sense. The Scriptures speak of God’s people as “the apple of His eye” (Zechariah 2:8).

c) ATTENTIVE EYES are more than willing to give attention to the child that seeks your attention.

d) MERCIFUL AND COMPASSIONATE EYES are the eyes of a parent that are more than willing to forgive. They are more than willing to identify with the pain of the hurt or offended one. The father of the prodigal son revealed merciful and compassionate forgiveness in his eyes towards his repentant son.

e) LONGING EYES reveal the longing cry of the parent’s heart for the wayward child who has lost their way. They reveal remorse and disapproval of the sinful behavior of their loved one, yet at the same time, their hearts cry out to God for their child to turn back to the way of truth.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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When your heart is turned toward your children, you will find yourself smiling at them more. A loving smile does wonders, even when child does not deserve it. A smile of agreement and approval always gives encouragement. A knowing smile gives comfort and assurance to a child who needs to overcome insecurity and uncertainty.

Smiling lights up your home and family. Smiling is the language of love. Smiling that comes from spirit that is in a healthy relationship with the indwelling Christ can melt the hardest rock and break the most solid ice.

Many times, when words don’t bring healing to deepening wounds, why not try smiling? Too many religious Christians think that smiling and laughing are too worldly, frivolous, and carefree and that Christianity is a pious, straight-faced business. Just look at some of the older generation photographs.

And yet smiles are the most healing of all influences. They are also very contagious.

Hebrews 1:9 gives a testimony of Jesus: “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." He was full of joy, gladness, and smiles more than anyone else!

Be encouraged to smile more in your home,

Colin Campbell

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2 Timothy 3:15 says: “And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Be concerned for the over-all well-being of your children. This means their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. Be concerned enough to earnestly bring about positive and constructive changes.


This means their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. Be concerned enough to earnestly bring about positive and constructive changes.


Take time to converse in a positive, friendly way, as regularly as possible, depending upon the age of your children. In most cases, daily.


Talk to them about the books they like to read, the hobbies they enjoy, their sporting activities, the food they love to eat, the wholesome movies they like to watch, the friends they have, and much more.


Take your little children to places where they can have fun on the swings and slides etc. Take them for walks in the woods and around the rocks at the beach. Take them to creeks and caves.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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Next to God, who is without doubt the highest priority, a man’s wife and family is his highest priority.

1 Timothy 5:8 says: “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” Even though a man may mentally agree with the high degree of family priority, it may not necessarily translate into action. It takes more than agreement to accomplish the result. A man who has a bad valve in his heart may agree with his doctor that he needs an operation. However, his agreement must be backed up with action to get the job done.

James 1:22-25 says: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”

It takes the divine Elijah anointing to turn hearts. Malachi 4:5, 6 says: “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

Just as mental agreement is not sufficient to make one a good parent, desire can also be insufficient unless we submit our desires to God’s enabling. Agreement and desire both need to be bathed before God in earnest prayer.

Some men think that so long as God sees they AGREE that parenting should be a high priority and they DESIRE to be a better parent, that this should be enough. And yet they still drop their children off at daycare centers. They continue to let the state (with all its ungodly, worldly agenda, plus the uncontrolled peer pressure of the playground) teach their children. There is something wrong with this mindset.

Mental agreement and uncommitted desires that do not result in righteous actions to materialize godly priorities will not “cut it” in these critical days.

It is high time for each one of us who call ourselves Christian parents to take a fresh stock on just how our top priorities affect our families, right now.

Is there anything today in my life that hinders my family from being my highest priority, next to God?

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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There is something seriously wrong when a father is so absorbed in himself, his own interests or needs that he shows very little attention to the emotional and physical needs of his children.

Some fathers think that so long as they provide the financial needs of their family, that is all that is required of them. There are some fathers who have succumbed to the entitlement mentality that the world owes them everything, that they do not have any responsibility to find a job and diligently work for their own needs, as well as their wife and family. Such men are not worthy to be called fathers. They have grown up with a deceived mentality.

While fathers need to be at some form of employment, they miss the mark if they do not see the importance of positively imparting into the lives of their children. Ephesians 6:4 states: “Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up (don’t pull them down) in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

Children need the positive influence of both parents daily.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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