By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


A Million-Mile Journal of the Arnold Pent Family
By Arnold Pent III

I would encourage EVERY FAMILY to get this inspiring story. Read it yourself and then read it to your family.

One of our favorite stories. The million-mile journey of Arnold Pent, Jr. and his wife and eight children as they traveled through US and Canada together. The father preached along the way. But no matter where they were, or whoever they stayed with, they never gave up their practice of daily Bible reading and memorization.

Challenging and inspiring reading.


“TEN P’S IN A POD should be required reading. I still count it among one of the handful of most important books I have ever read.”
~ Andrée Seu Peterson, World Magazine Columnist

“Your book is a breath of fresh air.”

“In a society where the Bible is rarely read, even in Christian homes, this book should be necessary (but enjoyable) reading for EVERY Christian family.”

“How this husband and wife were able to take a family of eight children across both the United States and Canada throughout the 1950s and early 1960s in various old cars is a story worth reading.”

“I read this book out loud to my husband while we were on a long trip. Reading it out loud made the Scriptures and stories come alive. I’ve been greatly affected by the book.”

To order now, go to: