By Colin Campbell on Friday, 02 November 2018
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


It’s bow season now in Tennessee. Several of our grandsons get out early in the morning or the evening with their bows and arrows, hoping to shoot deer. They already have a few. They will get many more before the season ends. Eleven-year-old Shepherd recently shot one with his bow. He was very proud of this accomplishment!

I hope the church of Jesus Christ has enough arrows to win these mid-term elections.

In ancient warfare, the bows and arrows were a major weapon to rain down destruction on the opposing enemies.

Joseph, was a type of Christ in many ways. The prophetic word given by his father, Jacob in
Genesis 49:23, 24 says: “The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.”

“His bow abode in strength.” A good bow must be able to maintain its strength. The NLT says: “His bow remained taught.”

Psalm 127:3-5: “As ARROWS are in the hand of a mighty man (a warrior); so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his QUIVER FULL OF THEM; they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”

We note that Christian parents must be strong bows, ready to shoot forth arrows (their children). The “mighty man” is the strong, spiritual warrior father. This father fills his quiver with arrows which both he and his wife raise up—sharpening and polishing and preparing them to shoot forth.

I don’t know how many arrows it takes to fill a quiver, but I am sure it is a whole more than one or two children, which is the average number in American families (including Christian families).

The Scripture also says that they will “not be ashamed” before their enemies. We have many enemies within the gates of our nation, e.g. fake media, abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, humanism, extreme socialism, etc. Are we standing ashamed?

It is imperative we stand strong in our convictions about filling our quivers (our families and homes) with godly arrows to defeat our enemies. Currently, we need a great increase of arrows in all the homes of Christian couples.

What’s the point of having strong bows if we do not have enough arrows to shoot at our enemies? You may feel you are strong in the Lord, but God’s Word says that God’s mighty warriors will have full quivers. They multiply their effectiveness in the kingdom of God. The more arrows they have, the more ammunition they have to defeat the enemy.

Godly fathers and mothers are not only raising arrows, but future bows. Bows were made of well-seasoned wood. It takes up to six years to season the wood to make a first-rate bow that is able to maintain its strength.

Parents, we must remember that every day God wants to use us to season (put in the right ingredients) to train our children for the battles they will face, the battles for the saving of the family and the nation, now and in the future.

We must have unflagging strength to send forth many arrows. Many arrows do not hit the mark strongly enough to defeat the enemy because the parents are not abiding in continuous strength.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

To be continued.
In this post I asked the question: What’s the point of having strong bows if we do not have sufficient arrows to shoot from them? Next post I ask the question, equally as important: What’s the point of having lots of arrows if we are not strong bows to send them forth to hit the mark?