By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


I am glad to say I voted today. I am not ashamed to say who I voted for and who I voted against. To only say “I Voted” is rather nebulous and politically inoffensive.

If it is offensive to say that I voted for Republicans who wholeheartedly support Donald J. Trump, then am not ashamed of being offensive.

There are so many godly values that are on the line--waiting to be destroyed if the Democrats win either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Or, God forbid, both houses.

• Today I voted for life, not abortion, which is without a doubt in my mind, murder.
• Today I voted for our police who have been constantly demonized by the left.
• Today I voted for marriage between one man and one woman.
• Today I voted for a party that will stand against transgender being taught in our state schools and colleges.
• Today I voted against the removal of the pronouns “he” and “she” or “man” and “woman” or “husband” and “wife” being removed from our school literature or our daily conversations.
• Today I voted for the United States to be always an independent nation under God and not part of the one world government alliance that would tell this nation what it can or cannot do.
• Today I voted for strong government that will create strong borders and protect the United States from all illegal invasions, small or large.
• Today I voted for the right to bare arms so that we can defend ourselves from the “crazies” who want to kill us in our schools, churches, shopping centers, or other places of innocent gatherings.
• Today I voted for pro-life, pro-constitutional Supreme Court Judges.
• Today I voted for the government border control agency called ICE ((Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and all agencies in our government that the Democrat Party want to destroy if they win.
• Today I voted for the great tax cuts that are freeing up this nation to have better markets and more jobs.
• Today I voted against sanctuary cities where they harbor terrorists.
• Today I voted against Obama Care.
• Today I voted for the freeing up of all the tariffs and codes that have strangled our own oil, coal, and natural resources from being developed and marketed. This gets the nation off food stamps.
• Today I voted for religious freedom and that Christianity will not be regarded as less important than other faiths in our colleges and justice system.
• Today I voted that Christianity will not be discriminated against by the Internet or main stream media or in any type of state or federal government agency.

This country was founded on a Judea/Christian ethic and we should not forget it. It is because of this foundation that we have been, up until now, so blessed by God. I am sick and tired of tip-toeing around opposition to righteousness and plain common sense.

I for one, believe it is high time that people of true faith should stand up for what they believe and not be ashamed to do so. The opposition stands up for what they believe which are plain, straight deception and lies.

Let’s face it. Political correctness puts us all in “no man’s land.” It effectively neutralizes us so that we cannot accomplish what is right and true. This is because political correctness wants us to avoid all offence and by doing so we compromise the truth.

As Christians, we can still love our enemies and do good to those who persecute us. However, we must never be silent when we have opportunity to stand up and speak out against what is evil and unjust.

We must never be ashamed to speak up against evil and we must stand up for all that is right. Otherwise we will lose it all.

Romans 9:23 states: “And whosoever believeth on him shall NOT BE ASHAMED.”

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell