By Colin Campbell on Sunday, 15 September 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Father, today I bring to Thee
This boy of mine whom Thou hast made.
In everything he looks to me;
In turn, I look to Thee for aid.

He knows not all that is before;
He little dreams of hidden snares.
He holds my hand, and o'er and o'er
I find myself beset with fears.

Father, as this boy looks to me
For guidance, and my help implores,
I bring him now in prayer to Thee;
He trusts my strength, and I trust Yours.

Hold Thou my hand as I hold his,
And so guide me that I may guide.
Teach me, Lord, that I may teach,
And keep me free from foolish pride.

Help me to help this boy of mine,
To be to him a father true.
Hold me, Lord, for everything
As fast as I hold my boy for You."

~ N. W. Brapham