By Colin Campbell on Monday, 20 August 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Men, our family unity is shallow, and perhaps very shallow, if the Word of God, prayers, and worship are not exercised and ministered on a daily basis in our homes. To me it seems hypocritical for us to call ourselves “Christian” families if family worship, prayers, and the Word of God are not given their rightful place in our daily lives. No wonder so many “Christian marriages” end in divorce.

Family Devotions are not synonymous with arguments, tensions, separation, and divorce. Family Devotions are synonymous with true love, unity, and the commanded blessings of Psalm 133. The “Oh how beautiful” truth of godly unity is still waiting to be experienced in Christian families who feel no need for Family Devotions and who believe that their faith in Christ does not need this daily support.

But, storms will come, as they always do, and sad to say, many homes will continue to fall because their foundations are not deep enough into the daily solid Rock of the Word of Christ.

As always, and especially in these days, our families need the “Daily Bread” that will feed our spirits, keep us in beautiful unity, and repel all negative storms of destruction.

Be encouraged. Colin