Romans 15:1 says, "We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves."
The most devastating earthquakes are generally not caused by minor fault lines in the earth's crust, but by major fault lines. Men, do not be a trivial fault-finder, but rather a fault over-looker. I'm not saying that major faults should not be addressed. Indeed, they should be. However, many marriages and families are weakened by individuals who make it their business to find fault in their spouse and children far too much.
Hair line crack fault-finders soon become a major fault line in their marriage and family. Most hair line cracks in the ankle bones of runners will heal quickly when given a chance to rest. They do not need to be x-rayed and given major surgery every day. In the same way, if you have gravitated into the x-ray fault finding daily habit you need to back down, lay off, and give your wife and family some needed rest. And time to heal.
Mr. Perfect will never have a perfect family. Rather, Mr. Perfect's family will most likely be brow beaten, insecure, nervous, rebellious, and gun-shy wrecks who never seem to be able to measure up to their father's perfect standards!
Men, you will not be able to deal with the major faults in your family if you have made far too much of the minor ones. Mr. Perfect shows imperfection by not cutting some slack to his wife and children when they need it. Our most perfect Heavenly Father is perfect, not just because of His demands on us to be His perfect children, but because of His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness towards us when we fall. He manifests His perfection in these attributes as well as His commands.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell