This is hard for us to take as we face this problem daily from political enemies who live in the same country, dine at the same restaurants, and shop and the same shops. Some even attend the same church. And yet they vote for leaders that we would not vote for, "not even with a forty foot pole" as the saying goes. This is the problem with American's brand of nationalized health care which the majority of voters do not want, but are being forced to go along with it, or pay an ever increasing fine.
What makes things worse is when members of our own family do not agree with the viewpoints we hold so dear. When we share our deepest convictions on what we regard as very important to us and to God, and family friends or foes hold an opposite opinion, we have to allow them to have their opinions, so long as they do not force us to go along with them. We cannot demand our own way.
My wife and I believe, from the untwisted Word of God, that Christian families should embrace all the children God wants them to have, regardless of what society and even the church is doing. However, the love of Christ within us does not force them. We share with "GRACE and TRUTH" (John 1:14).
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell