Matthew 5:9 tells us "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God." Men, our children need to be role modeled by fathers and mothers who, at all times, try earnestly to be peacemakers. Sad to say, many homes and marriages are being torn down at a very alarming rate by parents who have by default substituted peacemaking for trouble making.
Isaiah 69:8 says, "The way of peace they know not: and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace." Isaiah, the prophet was not speaking to the heathen but to Israel who were not in right relationship with God. This departure from the Lord resulted in God's people falling away from the virtues that come from a right relationship with God, primarily peace. It is one thing to have no peace on our borders with neighboring or distant countries seeking to attack us. However, it another thing to have no peace within our borders where there is fighting that seeks to stir up racism and violence on our streets, in public schools, and work places.
Teens are leaving home in great numbers earlier than they should because there is no peace in the home. Peacemakers are desperately needed in all areas of our nation, but particularly in the home. Without peace in our homes we are of all people to be pitied. We teach peacemaking by role modeling as parents.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell