By Colin Campbell on Monday, 29 July 2013
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


13) SHOOTING ARROWS (Our last point about ARROWS. We start a new subject tomorrow.)

Psalm 64:7 says, "But God shall SHOOT at them with an arrow; suddenly they shall be wounded."

Psalm 144:6 says, "Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: SHOOT out thine arrows, and destroy them."

Men, arrows are meant to be shot. They are not meant to be just look pretty in the quiver. They are not meant to be sitting around doing nothing. God's arrows are not for ornamentation. They are created for a purpose. Every single one of them! And that purpose is to be shot forth from the bow to destroy God's enemies.

Men, every one of our children are arrows. It is our responsibility, as fathers, to put our very best endeavor into the straightening, polishing, and disicipling of these arrows so that when the time comes for action they will be ready to shoot forth.

This is where Family Devotions comes in as a very important role in preparing our arrows for it gets God's Word into their hearts. God's Word entering into the hearts of our children, coupled with prayer, is God's method of preparing arrows. The average Christian parenting, without morning and evening in the Word and prayer will not cut it in preparing them for the true purpose of God for their lives.

My wife said to me recently,

"Our God is the eternal King of kings and Lord of Lords and the Word He gave to us is the eternal Book of books. If we really believe this, surely the least we will do each day is to take time morning and evening to gather our family into His presence to worship Him and hear from Him."

As such we must develop in our children (our arrows) a deep hunger and respect for God's truth as found in His Book of all books.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell