By Colin Campbell on Friday, 12 April 2013
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Most men underestimate the role of fatherhood, drifting into a casual and haphazard way of fatherhood. Their role in the career or sporting world is often more important to them. To most men, children are not that important and are viewed with a "take it or leave it" attitude. One or two children is okay with most men, perhaps three at the max, and after that, well, it's time to think seriously about the snip!

One of the main reasons for this way of thinking is that, sad to say, for several generations this has been the accepted mindset. Therefore, fatherhood has degenerated further and further away from the biblical pattern. For a number of generations biblical fatherhood has not set a good example for men to follow. This has resulted in fatherhood becoming a subordinate and almost forgotten role in today's world.

Fatherhood is in great need of rediscovery and for this reason pastors, teachers, counselors, as well as all Christian fathers need to get back to God's Word which contains a vast knowledge of what true fatherhood is all about. Each one of us men need to earnestly pray for a new understanding, a new desire, and a new biblical understanding in order that we may again become the fathers God intends us to be.

Fatherhood has fallen into such ruin to the point that many western nations, especially among the liberal ones, believe that the state needs to take over this role . Before the return of Christ to take to Himself a spotless church He is calling for us to get rid of the spots of neglected, worldly, unbiblical fatherhood that has no resemblance to His pattern revealed in Scripture.

Be encouraged to seek God's truth. Colin