PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 263: Life’s Not Perfect – What Can We Do?

Epi263picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 263: Life’s Not Perfect – What Can We Do?

Pam Fields joins me today as we discuss the nitty gritty of life. Many mothers feel as though they are failing. They feel overwhelmed. We begin weak and stumbling but we can finish strong. God gives us keys to have a better end than our beginning!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, everyone! Today I have another friend with me, Pam Fields. Pam has done podcasts with me before. At the moment she is staying with me for a few days.

Pam is actually writing a book about my life! She got this vision to do this, and I said to her, “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to read it,” but she has this vision. She has written the basis for the book, and now we’re looking over it, seeing where we’re going from here. Do you want to say anything about it, Pam?

Pam Fields: Well, I am just so relieved that you let the cat out of the bag!

Nancy: Oh. Well, they’re not meant to?

Pam: Oh, you’re fine. I’ve been waiting for your lead. I’ve been so excited about this project, and it’s been . . .

Nancy: How long?

Pam: So far, it’s been two years in the making.

Nancy: Oooooh!

Pam: We’re making a little bit of headway. There’s been a few friends praying for this project, because I couldn’t keep it a complete secret. But now we can ask everybody who’s listening to pray for this project because I think that families need to hear the testimony of Colin and Nancy, and your lives.

It’s so beautiful to be in your home and to see this picture of Colin esteeming and honoring you, and you, in your relationship with him. I know that it’s something that . . .  there’s a lot of us who have had this story to be able to be in your home and to receive your hospitality. But it’s not practical that everybody can come here. So, I hope that by sharing your story, and a little bit of your history, that people get a glimpse into your home and to see the truth of your life lived out. It’s been a beautiful thing to watch.

Nancy: Well, I am just amazed that Pam has taken on this project. She’s put a lot of time into it. I do pray that it will bless you when we can eventually get it organized. I think the big thing is, Pam is here, and wanting to get our immediate family together, our children, and talk over a few things with them before she moves on to the next part of this project. But getting them together, that’s a big thing, isn’t it? [laughter] So, we’re working on that. We’ll see how that will go.

While I’m sitting here, actually, I’ve got my prayer bracelets on. You have too!

Pam: I have them on.

Nancy: How wonderful! I wonder if you have ever heard the vision of Pam’s prayer bracelets for praying for your family. You did this podcast with me a long time ago. Do you know it was podcast number 30?

Pam: Yes, it was.

Nancy: Can you believe it? Now we’re up to podcast 263 today! So, it was a long time ago. But you can go back. Just go down the list, and find and hit number 30, and you can hear this wonderful vision about prayer bracelets and how you can pray for your family. Maybe you could just mention quickly about it now, so they can get a little idea. Then they can learn more if they go to the podcast.

Pam: Sure. There’s a fast snippet also on my website, and on your website.

Nancy: That’s right!

Pam: There are some articles they can find, either with aboverubies.org, or tendingfields.net. I will say, I do think I have if you sign up for my email list, I think it’s going to automatically send an instruction sheet on how to actually make these prayer bracelets. If I’ve spoken wrongly, somebody contact me, and I will make sure you get that.

But anyway, the idea is . . . I’m the mom of nine . . .  I realized when you were speaking, Nancy, that I was not being as diligent in prayer as I wanted to be. I needed something in front of my face to remind me, something really tangible. What I did was make these elasticized bracelets with alphabet beads and I put the names of my children, one on each bracelet.

In the morning I will start out with all of them on my left wrist. As I pray for each child, I move them to my right wrist. I keep track, because you get going in your day, and you’re so busy sometimes, we just get pulled away by those that we want to be praying for and loving on. It’s hard to stay diligent and I needed that reminder.

Nancy: Oh, yes! And it is so wonderful. I noticed you haven’t got any on your right wrist yet. [laughter]

Pam: Well, sometimes I also keep them on throughout the day because I do want to continue, as things develop with our children. I don’t even want to move it to the right. I want to be in continual prayer, depending on the day.

Nancy: I’ve only got one on my right wrist yet! I have a lot to get through. When Pam came up with this vision, I thought, “Oh, that is so wonderful!” But, oh, I can’t do it. How would I get the names of all my family—and our immediate children, and their spouses, and our 52 grandchildren, and now all these great-grandchildren coming in? I wouldn’t have room on my arm!

But then I thought, “Wow! I know what I need to do is just have one name for the family, and then I can be praying for all the members of that particular family.” I was lazy. Well, I wasn’t lazy. I just don’t get time for so much! I asked Pam, “Would you make me a set?” And she did. I am so blessed.

Now, Pam also does her own podcast, which is called “The Mom Next Door.” You will love going to listen to that. Tell the ladies about that, Pam.

Pam: When you type in “The Mom Next Door,” please add on “Stories of Faith,” because there is one out there that is maybe not one that’s going to have the same content. So, make sure you add . . .

Nancy: Oh, wow. That’s a bit like me, because people will go to AboveRubies.com. Oh my, that’s not a good one to go to. You’ve got to go to AboveRubies.org, O-R-G.

Pam: “The Mom Next Door; Stories of Faith” is available wherever podcasts are, just like this one. I just met so many amazing women through my life of motherhood, and honestly, working with the Above Rubies retreats in Oregon when I lived there have So many women have extraordinary stories of what God has done in their lives. Sometimes they think we still, because we’re not famous, we don’t have a platform, then maybe our stories aren’t significant, or don’t matter, and they do.

What I have wanted to do is create a platform to share with other women, and say, “If you have a story of faith, if God has done something amazing in your life, then I want to invite you to sit with me, via Zoom, or in person if you’re close. I want to hear what God has done. Let’s give testimony.”

I was inspired by the Sunday testimony time at the Above Rubies retreat. We’re called in so many places, especially many places in Psalms, to stand up and share what the Lord has done. So that’s it. If you need a word of encouragement, if you want to hear other stories of faith, then that’s a great place to tune in and hear from other moms.

Nancy: Yes, and I am so glad that Pam is doing this. Pam has been coming to Above Rubies retreats for how many years? Can you count them?

Pam: Well, when we were in Oregon, I think we ran them for about 12 years, perhaps.

Nancy: It was before that. You were coming up to Washington.

Pam: Right. Right.

Nancy: You just had young children when you first started.

Pam: Right.

Nancy: Pam has imbibed the blessing of motherhood and the years have gone on. As the years went on, I could see that she had so much to give, an encourager. You’ve got to be an older woman sharing with the young women. You are doing that today. It’s so wonderful.

Do you have a question for me, Pam? You said, “I think, Nancy, we should do a podcast about this.” Do you want to ask me?

Pam: Well, I don’t even know if it was as much of a question or a conversation prompt. I’m a real auditory learner and I process things as I talk. I know I’m probably not the only one working through this in my life, but sometimes I struggle with that line of vulnerability.

I always want to be speaking positively and speaking truth and life. I want to represent Christ well and I want to represent my family well. I want to show the good and the joyful, whatever is good and excellent and praiseworthy. I want to be thinking and talking about those things and speaking in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.

But then, sometimes life doesn’t look beautiful. Sometimes there are some things in my home, or in the homes of extended family, or as I start to interview women and talk about things, sometimes when we’re not recording, sometimes it’s before I hit “Record,” or after. I find that we’re struggling with some really difficult things. I think we don’t want to necessarily even tell our children some of these hard things.

But I think it’s also in the overcoming of those struggles, and of those very, real, hard things, where our testimony is developed as we overcome and as we live in victory. If you meet me today, you’ll meet this mom and wife, homeschooling, doing all these things, being busy. Someone might look at me, and I’ve heard people say, “Well, you have this great life. You have this great family,” with the assumption that this is where I’ve always been. This is where I’ve come from.

But I think if we peeled back the story of every woman, no matter where you are, you peel back the story, and there’s more to it. Either in their history, or in their today. Again, I don’t really know the question, there, but I think we need to talk about sharing some of our struggles and giving glory to God for the victory. But yet, doing it in such a way that preserves the integrity of our homes and shares only as much of that story. Because when we’re telling our own story, we’re also sharing somebody else’s story.

I don’t know where you want to go with that, Nancy. Those are some things in my brain that I process, and you speak so much of what is true and lovely and good. Sometimes I might feel a little discouraged that, “Oh, I’m just not there today. I’m in a time of lament today.” What do you have to say?

Nancy: Yes. That is interesting. By the way, I should just say, as we move on to chatting with Pam, that we haven’t yet finished our series about elevating the home. There are a few more things that I’d like to talk with Colin about, and with you. So, we’ll continue those. But we’re going to interrupt today because Pam is here. It’s so great having you here, Pam.

I guess I will have to confess that that is true, that I am not one to share about troubles and negativities and things. I love to share the vision that God has for us and share the positive things of the Word. Also, I guess I have been blessed in that I have had a blessed life. I come from a godly generation. Whereas I know that you have come from a very messed-up situation in your family life. If everybody really knew your story, they would be amazed to see who you are today! Yes?

Pam: Well, when I even look behind you, there are pictures on the wall of your father. I noticed earlier; I think one of them is a reprint from the newspaper. Your father was in the newspaper, and you stand up under this champion and so many successes. My dad was also in the newspaper, but it was the story of an arrest. Some really dark things, right? That is the case. Every person has their history and their story. We all come into our parenting and our motherhood from these different places.

Nancy: Exactly. But this is the amazing thing. You came in from a completely messed-up home. You could still be today a totally messed-up woman. But you came to the Lord as a teenager. That wasn’t all. You have sought to press into God’s truth and take hold of it and put it into your life. You’ve become an overcomer. The wonderful thing is that in Revelation, it talks about . . . to every church it gave the promise to the overcomers of what they would receive. Now, to be an overcomer, you’ve got to be able to overcome things.

Pam: Right!

Nancy: And I think those who perhaps have more to overcome in their lives, they’re going to get more overcoming crowns! I think all of life is overcoming. Even though I am blessed to have a godly tradition and godly heritage in my life. I haven’t come from this terrible family that drowned or anything.

But still, we are all human. We all have our old nature, and we all have to learn how to overcome, no matter who we are. I came into motherhood and into marriage, yes, embracing it all. But still, I came in with my “me” attitudes, and my selfish attitudes. I had to learn along the way.


I can remember many nights as a young married woman, crying into my pillow because, “Poor me!” Oh, I was so full of self-pity! Goodness me! I look back now, and think, “How ridiculous!” Because I was just so filled with “ME!” and “Poor Me!” And I wasn’t being treated right, and I had to put up with all this! So much of our lives, no matter what background you come from, can be just about “me”! And it’s “me” that spoils life! It really is!

When we have this attitude, we’re not going to be living in victory. We’re not going to be overcoming. I had to learn, little by little, how to overcome in my daily life, and how to live in the joy of the Lord, how to overcome problems. Of course, the principles of how to overcome, of how to live in victory are in the Word of God.

Pam: Absolutely.

Nancy: It’s taking hold of them. It’s no matter who we are, we have to learn to take hold of these principles.

Pam: Yes, for sure. It’s that process that we all go through, no matter what point of origin we have. It’s that spiritual “poor me” sin. Colin was talking earlier about surrender. It is that constant, constant coming to Him, and being refined by the Lord.

I even see it. You and Colin, in your eighties, you’re not saying, “I’ve learned it all. I’ve retained it all.” You’re constantly going back to the Word and digging in for those nuggets, and saying, “Lord, what will You teach me? What do You want me to know? Refine me and make me more like You.”


Nancy: Yes. Yes. That is so true, I think. I love that Scripture, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” That’s found in Ecclesiastes 7:8. But it’s so true. We come into motherhood, and sometimes when we first come in, we’re struggling. We come into marriage and we can be struggling. We’re learning, little by little, but it’s only the beginning! Oh, goodness me! There’s a lifetime ahead!

Now, we are getting . . .  I’m not saying it’s the end because I’ve got so much to do yet . . . but perhaps getting closer. We are in our eighties, but still, oh, goodness me, we still have so much life to live! I still have so many books to write and so many more magazines to publish! And so many more lives to touch! But I see now the end instead of the beginning because I have, little by little, learned His principles.

No matter who we are, or where we’ve come from, whether we are blessed to have a godly heritage or whether we’ve come from the pits, it does not matter. Because we still have to take hold of those principles. We still have to deal with our old nature. When we come to Christ, He gives us this new nature. It is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” It’s learning, and I still have to apply this every day.

But it becomes more and more a habit of your life, where in every situation you face, you either are going to yield to the old nature, to “me,” how I want it to be in “my way, thank you” or we yield to the nature of Christ. We yield to His life, which is a life of His love, and joy, and forgiveness, and long-suffering, and walking in His rest, and in His victory. It’s only in Christ. I don’t have it in myself.

I’ve always loved that Scripture in Philemon. Or Philemon? People say it in different ways. Philemon 6: “That the communication of your faith may be effectual.” That’s what we want. We want it to be effectual. How? “By the acknowledging of every good thing, which is in you, in Christ Jesus.” It’s coming to the knowledge and understanding of all the good things that are in Christ, and knowing and acknowledging and confessing that, “OK, if Christ is in me, all these good things are in me.”

Yes, they’re in Christ, but because He dwells in me, THEY ARE IN ME, so I can walk in those good things. I can walk in His joy when I’m actually feeling lousy. I can walk in His victory when I’m feeling so depressed, and I can walk in His longsuffering when I want to blow my top! It’s yielding to His life or yielding to my old nature. We learn, if we keep seeking to do that, we can get into the habit of that in our lives.

I find now, if I look back, I can remember how little things seemed like such a big thing. They’ve been like a mountain. “How am I going to survive this? How am I going to get through this?” But it was all because I didn’t understand the fullness of “Christ in me, the hope of glory,” and that I can live in victory.

But as I have, through the years, begun to apply God’s Word and His principles daily in my life, now I can look at bigger things, and although, because this is something new we’re bringing out . . . “OK, Nancy, people just hear . . . OK, all about your wonderful life  . . . you’re not telling them any bad things.”

Pam: Yeah, yeah, yeah.,

Nancy: Well, yes. We do have things that we face. We face many difficult things in our lives. But I haven’t told them to the world because, is that going to bless anybody? No. Even now, I can face pretty difficult things, but they are bigger things than perhaps I’ve faced in a younger life when I would have thought they were bigger. But now, I don’t really find them a huge thing at all because I have learned to take them to the Lord.

Instead of going down to the pits, and “Oh, God, how are we going to survive?” I’m saying, “Lord, thank You. Thank You that You are in control. I thank You, Lord. My life is in Your hands. I thank You that You have got this, and I can trust You. I thank You that You are with me. I thank You, Lord, that You are in this situation, and we can trust You, Lord God. I put my trust in You.” When I do that, well, am I still going to be in a state? No! I’m trusting God.


Pam: Well, you’ve been building your faith muscles through the years. A lot of times, when we are starting to work out, we’re a little flimsy, right? Through a continual process, and working out, those muscles are built just like in a physical sense. Our faith has to do some stretching.

There’s also a verse that talks about, “Do not despise small beginnings.” I don’t know exactly the reference on that, but I could look back, and I could say, “I could get tripped up on this little issue,” right? Or I could have a little issue in front of me, or even a big issue. Each one of those is an opportunity to grow in my faith and to learn to trust God a little bit more.

I’m in my fifties now, so here we get to this point where I can look back and say, “I’m not the same woman who called you up when I was a new mom,” and called you probably in the middle of the night because we were in different time zones, and cried to you, and said, “But Nancy . . .”

I’m not that same person because of the people that I’ve encountered, and the time spent in the Word, and time spent in prayer. That faith muscle has been built.

I think that would be what we want. We want people to hear that, that it doesn’t matter where you come from, you just be faithful now, and keep moving forward and growing in your faith.

Nancy: Amen. I love those lines which say, “Trust Him.” How does it go now? I had it in my mind. Let’s see.

“Trust Him when dark days assail thee.

Trust Him when thy faith is small.

Trust Him when to simply trust Him

Is the hardest thing of all.”

I love those lines. If we can learn to trust Him . . . sometimes we are feeling so weak, but we can set our trust in Him, in the situation we’re facing, and we confess it, “Lord, I trust You.” It’s amazing what confession does. When you speak it out, “Lord, I trust You.” It brings that faith and that confidence in Him.

I remember one time, years ago, my sons Stephen and Wes manage The Newsboys. There was a season when they decided to take out their own big tents, rather than go into the auditoriums. That took so much of their money. So, they said, “Oh, we’ll do our own thing.” They designed these big tents, and they went out. It was like a traveling circus because of doing that. They had to take their trucks with their own food and their own toilets and their own this and that.

But they got out to Texas at one place. Huge storms came in and ripped one tent to pieces. They went to another place, and storms came again, and ripped it to pieces. They actually lost millions of dollars.

I remember my son coming in. I said to him, “Oh, Wes, how are you getting on with all these problems out there?” He just looked at me, and said, “Mother, I don’t have problems. I just have challenges!” I have always remembered that and taken it as an encouragement to myself. We don’t ever have to have problems, really, only challenges, which we can bring to God. He is bigger, He is bigger than any challenge that we have.

Pam: Amen!

Nancy: I love these Scriptures, Philippians 3. Actually, we could read from verses 12-15: Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect.” And you were saying to me a little while ago, Pam, “Oh, some people read your stuff, and they listen to you, and they think your life is perfect.” But no, none of us is perfect. And life isn’t perfect. No! It doesn’t matter who we are. Life is not perfect, and it doesn’t always go just how we want it to go. But in whatever happens, we can trust God.

And here Paul is saying, “I’m not already perfect yet, no. But I follow after.” Don’t you love that? “But I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind.”

Some of you, you do have sad backgrounds, difficult situations you’ve come from. You may be facing difficult situations now. I want to encourage you. God is with you. He will not forsake you. You can trust Him. Lift your eyes up to Him. Look to Him. Don’t focus all your attention on the problem. It only takes you down to the pits. Keep your eyes on the Lord.

As Paul said: “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

I love this translation. Well, actually, a number of translations say the very same thing. “Forgetting what is behind, and straining forward,” straining forward, “to what lies ahead, I am pressing toward the goal for the prize to which God through Christ Jesus calls us upward.” The

J. B. Phillips translation says: “I leave the past behind with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead. I go straight for the goal.” Isn’t that good?

Pam: And we need to remember those Scriptures, and the places where the Lord is encouraging our hearts to step forward, and to step forward in faith and truth and seeking out the victory. Sharing our testimony and that victory of life in Him, because the enemy wants to get in there. He wants to put shame on us. When we listen to the enemy, and we allow him to use that thing against us, he will watch us, and try to nullify our voice.

You mentioned the perfect family. I think in some regards, someone could look at me, and they could say, “Well, you have a perfect family.” I know I don’t, right? If I’m hearing all the time the same of the enemy saying, “Your family’s not perfect. You guys have some issues. You know, there was this time . . . or you know, there was this certain struggle. . .” then I’m going to be afraid to speak truth. I can’t be. I need to be called out to speak truth and to share what the Lord is doing.

The enemy is a trickster. We know that. He wants to use that against us. I think it’s OK to be vulnerable and say, you know, my family doesn’t come from an area of perfection, and none of us will, because “all have sinned and fallen short.” We’re all learning things. In all these different stages of life, we learn more.

I would also like to encourage women to, how do you do this? How do you parent imperfectly, but yet, with excellence in mind? Sometimes I even a few times thought, “Nancy has such a high ideal and everything’s so beautiful. My family’s doing it wrong, or I’m doing it wrong, or I don’t live up.” But God expects us to have troubles. That’s why He provided for our troubles.

I think we all need to be encouraged to be vulnerable in a safe way, and to an extent, to remind our children in our home that Momma messes up sometimes. Mommy and Daddy have made a great decision here, but maybe not such a great one here. Maybe that’s why we need Jesus. I see it even more with my teenagers. I wish I would have been maybe a little more vulnerable like that when my older children were younger. To say, we’re all going to fail. We’re all going to have things we struggle with. That’s OK, because that why we need Jesus.


Nancy: Maybe there are some of you listening, and you have members in your family who are not walking the way that you’re wanting them to walk in God. But it’s not the end yet. Nothing is the end until we meet Jesus! We keep trusting God.

We keep praying, because that is so important to be praying parents. Even prodigals cannot get away from the prayers of their parents. Be encouraged. The end is not yet. Better is the end of a thing than the beginning! That’s what God says!

Maybe some of you have come into motherhood, and even into marriage, and you’re struggling, and you feel a failure. Oh, goodness me! I can remember feeling a failure. Oh, yes! But you’re learning! You’re learning as you go, and you’re going to get stronger.

Oh, I’m thinking now of that wonderful Scripture in Hebrews 11. Can I go to it as we’re closing? Hebrews 11. It talks about the men and women of faith who Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (How to read in this light . . . was that right?) Yes, but isn’t that an incredible testimony? These great men of faith, wow! They ended up so strong they “waxed valiant in the fight and turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” But how did they start? Weak.

Pam: And whose power do they do that by? They don’t do it by their own power.

Nancy: No. And how did they get stronger? They “waxed valiant in the fight.” They faced struggles. They faced issues where they had to fight the enemy. They had to stand up against this evil. They had to take a stand. They had to take God’s stand. As they did it, they started out weak. We all started out weak, but we can wax valiant in the fight as we continue this fight.


As Paul said: “Fight the good fight of faith.” We are in a fight. This world that we live in is a struggle. The end will be the crowns for the overcomers. We’re either going to come under our struggles and the challenges we face, or by not in our strength, but by trusting God, walking in His principles, living in His Word, we are going to overcome.

Revelation 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” They had to confess the truth, speak it out: and they loved not their lives unto the death.They received these overcoming crowns. We’re not going to have them unless we’ve had to overcome. We’re all in this overcoming business, aren’t we?

Pam: Yep. The other Scripture that came to mind when you were saying that is the one that says: “When we’ve done everything to stand, stand firm yet.


Nancy: Yes, that is Ephesians 6. Let’s read it. We want to encourage all you wonderful wives and mothers today. Oh, and if you are feeling a bit weak, and you’re feeling like a failure, and you’re down under instead of up over, look, be encouraged! It’s not the end yet. Oh no! You can wax valiant in the fight. Don’t despair that you’re starting off weak. You’re going to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger as you trust in the Lord. Amen!

Ephesians 6:13: Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, which we are living now. “And having done all, to stand.” We don’t cave in. We don’t fall over. We’re going to stand strong on His Word.

And we need that Word even for this hour, this evil day in which we’re living, where we’re facing so much wickedness, so much pressure against the family. Oh, goodness, doesn’t it break your heart to hear of all the sex trafficking, to hear of the transgenderism, the wooing of our precious young people to change into something else that God did not create them to be?


Oh, how we have to stand! We’ve got to stand against the evil, stand against it. No matter what persecution we get, we keep standing! Amen? And you’re going to keep trusting. Yes, trusting in His promises. Be encouraged, precious, precious wives, precious mothers. Oh, you’re feeling weak. Don’t despair. You’re going to get stronger and stronger in the Lord. You wax valiant in the fight, until one day you will be turning enemies. Wow! You’ll be turning them back! Amen?

Pam: Amen.

Nancy: All right. Shall we pray?

“Father, we thank You so much that we can come to You, that You are our source. We thank You that You dwell in our hearts, and that we can yield to Your life. We can yield to your victorious life that dwells in us.

“Father, I pray for every wife and mother listening today. I pray that You will encourage them. Oh, God, some of them feel down in the pit. But Lord, we thank You that You are the One Who brings us out of the miry clay. You set our feet upon a Rock. You give a song, Lord, not only to sing, but that everyone will see. We thank You, Lord. I pray that You will bring mothers, Lord, out of their miry clay today, out of their pits, out of their weakness. Lord, let them put their eyes upon You.

“Lord, I pray that You will help them and make them stronger in the fight, Lord God. Oh, that You will pour out Your blessing upon them. Give them strength and give them hope. Oh, God, give them vision. Lord, bring them into a new place, from feeling like caving in, Lord, to standing strong. Lord, even when everything comes against them, that Lord, they will still stand, holding onto You, and onto Your precious Word. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Psalm 40:1-3: “I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God, many shall SEE IT, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Don’t forget to thank Darlene for her “labor of love” as she transcribes these podcasts for you.