
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


I am so excited to have my daughter, Pearl (of Trim Healthy Mama) with me today. She has so many meetings of her own, and, of course, their own podcast. I am glad she could squeeze us in! You are going to LOVE this podcast as Pearl (I call her Pearlie) shares her story of being a “half-glass person” to becoming a totally “full-glass person”! You’ll hear interesting scientific information and discoveries from Pearl in this podcast that you may have never heard before. You won’t want to miss!

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Great to be with you! Well, I am so excited that today I have my daughter Pearl with me. I can’t believe it because she is so busy. Yet I managed to drag her along, so here she is! It’s so wonderful to have her.

We’re still continuing to talk about joy. This is something that Pearlie has had to find, an overcoming way in her own life. We’ll talk about that. But first of all, Pearlie, what’s happening with THM, and the new cafe in Texas and a whole change of our cafe here in Tennessee?

Pearl: Yes! Hi, Mum! I don’t think you had to drag me at all! I’m very honored to be here. Mum calls me “Pearlie,” and Serene does. I think you’re the only people. My husband has never called me “Pearlie.”

Nancy: He hasn’t?

Pearl: And now 28 years. I think you, Vange, and Serene are the only ones. But I love it.

Sometimes you mention us on . . .  I go to the Above Rubies Facebook, and I look at it all the time because it comes into my feed. I think I’m one of your biggest fans.

Nancy: Really? That’s amazing.

Pearl: You always mention Pearl and Serene, and Trim Healthy Mama. I’m not sure many people these days know we’re even your daughters. It’s like a given. You’d think that everybody knows we’re your daughters, but. . . Trim Healthy Mamas. . . Serene and I have been doing this Trim Healthy Mama thing for our book releases a decade now. A decade.

Nancy: Wow! I can’t believe that.

Pearl: That first book. And you launched it! It’s been amazing, the things that have happened. But it started, really, with your magazine.

Nancy: I’ll never forget when that book first came out. I had been talking about for, oh, three or four issues before it came. People were geared up. I remember going to an Above Rubies retreat, and I arrived late. I didn’t have time to even take my suitcase to my room. I just took it to the meeting hall.

And before I could do anything, the ladies were, “Have you got the book?” I opened the suitcase and the boxes, and people just grabbed, grabbed, grabbed! They were all gone!

Pearl: None of us knew what would happen with that. That’s what God started for this movement for helping women with their health. None of us could know. I still, to this day, ten years later have to pinch myself. What God has done because it certainly wasn’t us!

You were talking about the cafe, so you know we opened . . . We’ve had this little cafe here in Tennessee. It’s been a family-run one where we sell our products. We sell delicious baked goods and meals and things like that. It’s just for our community here, really.

Nancy: And people who do come from all over the nation. And they come, and they get motels, and they stay the weekend just to come to this cafe!

Pearl: We get many girls’ trips here. But we opened our first one in Texas. Actually, yesterday was the first day it was open for food and beverage. That is on a whole new level. That is a huge, huge place in Ft. Worth, Texas. It’s pretty exciting what God is going to do there.

Nancy: Have you heard how they got on yesterday?

Pearl: I haven’t even talked to them. Charlie leaves them alone because I know that it would have been overwhelming yesterday. Just trying to do all the things that they have to do when they get started. Oh, but then, we’ve had this little one here in our community, where so many people have come from across the country and Canada, just to visit.

We found out that we can no longer have it here because our lease was up. This is the place where we opened our first little offices, right here, in Bon Aqua, Tennessee. There’s nothing here! But then we opened the café, and we got a lot of traffic. Apparently, we’re all too much for the sewer system there so we’re not allowed to renew our lease.

We were crestfallen. We liked it. But this is family. This is community. What are we going to do? And then we realized we have a manufacturing center here in Centerville, Tennessee. So, there’s this cute little bungalow house that we were going to tear down because we thought it was no good to anyone. It was old. It was decrepit but it was cute.

And then my son actually had this idea. “Mom, why don’t you put your cafe in there?” So, we’re taking it down to the studs. It’s three levels. It’s going to be amazing. We’re going to make it . . . it’s so exciting. It’s going to be incredible. It’s going to be a place where people will want to come from all over because we’ll have outdoor seating. We’ll have the drive-through, the healthy things.

In that community there’s a lot of type two diabetics. We’re going to bring healthy eating to that little town. There’s going to be a children’s play area, beautiful and safe. So, we’re excited about that next adventure.

Nancy: And you’re having an exercising area?

Pearl: Yes, the whole basement is going to be a workout area, free of charge for everybody.

Nancy: Aren’t you going to do it at the manufacturing plant?

Pearl: In the meantime. The house is going to take about nine months. So, it would be a temporary cafe and store at our manufacturing plant in Centerville, Tennessee.

Nancy: Oh well, that’s all exciting! I know many of you have been to the cafe here.

My husband and I have been wanting to go down to the opening.

Pearl: In Fort Worth.

Nancy: Yes, in Fort Worth. They actually opened yesterday, but you didn’t have a real opening, did you?

Pearl: No grand opening. That was a limited opening yesterday, just drinks and a few baked goods, and things like that. The grand opening will be in a couple of months. Serene and I will go down, and hopefully you’ll go down too.

Nancy: We hope to, yes. Well, let’s get back to talking about joy. When I thought of Pearlie coming over, I thought of one of the songs that she and Serene used to sing. I love the good old days when I went out to ladies’ retreats, and Serene and Pearl would come with me, sometimes with their little ones as well. We would be a whole entourage of three generations.

It was so great. They would sing and share. One of the songs that Pearl wrote, and Pearl, I wonder if you actually remember it. Let me read it. I love the words of this song. It’s about motherhood.

Little arms reaching for me,

Grubby fingers touch my face

And love is what I feel.

Little eyes looking at me,

Chubby cheeks burst with smiles

And joy is what I know,

Peeking in while they sleep at night,

I thank God for the gift of life,

I thank God for more that I deserve.

And the chorus goes:

My heart is full, my heart is full,

Why would I want for more?

When my cup overflows?

My heart is full, my heart is full,

This much I know.

It goes on then about her husband. But I know, Pearlie, that when you wrote that song, you weren’t living up to it. It wasn’t quite like that, was it?

Pearl: No. Actually, that song, when you were reading that, it took me back to when I wrote that because I feel like it’s the beginning of my story of choosing joy. You, Mother, I felt like you as my mother were a glass-full person. I think you learned to choose that. But I think you were generally naturally a positive person in your nature. Would you say that?

Nancy: I had to learn too. I had to decide that was going to be the way I would live.

Pearl: But I remember you as my mother being joyful, very, very joyful. Each day was an adventure, each day was fun, each day was happy. I’m sure you had your moments, but I remember you, looking back, you were a joyful person.

But growing up, I thought to myself, “Well, my mother is a half-full or full-full person. I’m just a half-empty person. I’m just different from my mother.” I wasn’t, I didn’t have depression. I just called myself a little worried, a little anxious, a little half-full. I thought that was my nature and I believed it about myself. I was sort of a thoughtful dreamer, worried about the things in life.

Nancy: True. And Pearl wasn’t like Evangeline. If some of you know her, extrovert, and sort of over the top. Pearl was always on the sofa, just dreaming and planning how she would solve the problems of the world.

Pearl: That’s true! When you think about problems, well, sometimes you get half-full, right? Or half-empty, I should say. Yeah, half-empty is the word. I remember that day. I was pregnant with my third, with Rocky. Meadow, my daughter. . .

Nancy: Who is now married!

Pearl: Yes! And Meadow, my little, I think she was four at the time, was running around the house. The house, I was pregnant, and I was sick, so sick. I could barely move. I remember looking around my house and it was a little trailer home. It was very modest. It was nothing to brag about!

And we didn’t have a dime. We had no money, and my house was a mess because I couldn’t get off the couch. I was just throwing up. It was terrible. And then my little, now 10-month-old at the time, Bowen, he had just learned to bring himself up on the sofa. He was standing there on the sofa. I looked at his grubby face and I looked around at my life. I was like, “Poor me! Here I am, the barefoot, pregnant woman, who feels like throwing up. Look what I have, this dirty little trailer home.”

All my life, when I was younger, I thought I was going to be some sort of rich princess queen. Somehow, I’d marry a rich guy. I just believed it, and here I was, in a trailer home, messy, disgusting! Where was my maid? I always thought I was going to have a maid. She was not there, and I was the maid, and I was terrible at it.

I was feeling so sorry for myself, at my state. I even cried for my poor little self. And then my little son Bowen, he kind of pulled himself along the sofa and reached up to me, and said, “Mama,” and just gave me this hug.

I was like, it just demo’ed me that I was the richest woman on earth, that I had this beautiful life growing inside me, that I had this beautiful child hugging me, that I had this four-year-old dancing and singing around the home with joy. And that I had a husband that was going to come home after working all day and love me. Love me.

At that moment, I made the switch to realizing and to telling myself to look at what I had, and to look at it differently. It was a long road for me to joy. I think I failed so many times. I think motherhood is so joyous and it was a beautiful thing.

I look back at my motherhood now that I’m a grandmother. My children are grown. I look back at it so tenderly and so beautifully. But I think I sometimes I just took for granted the beauty of what it was because of the hardship.

I grew to this point over the years and over letting God change my heart, of learning to choose the joy. It changed in the end with my full identity. I no longer look at myself now as that person who was glass half-empty. I look at myself as a joyous person.

If you’re going to ask me how I am, I always used to say, “I’m pretty good.” Or “I’m OK.” I didn’t want to lie. I wanted to be authentic. “Oh, I’m going through something.” I didn’t want to be the big, RAH, RAH, I’M AMAZING! You know, like my sister Vange, because I thought, “I’m not Vange! I’m Pearl!”

But now I’m not rah, rah, but the truth is, I am amazing! So, if you ask me how I am, I’m going to tell you I’m so good, and I am good because Christ is in me and He’s the hope of glory. Every day I realize that more. Now, you bet I’m the FULL-GLASS PERSON. I’m like you, Mum, but it wasn’t my nature. It’s God’s nature and He just had to work that within me.

Nancy: Yes, and talking about your husband, that was the end of this beautiful song. Let me read you the last verse:

Strong arms reaching for me,

Circle my waist for the millionth time,

And love is what I feel.

Sometimes I watch him sleep at night.

I thank God that I’m his wife

And joy is what I know.

Wow! Wish I could just play that song to you all now. It is just so beautiful! I’ll actually put the link on the transcript so you can hear it because you will love it.

I remember, you and Serene, you wrote so many songs about motherhood. You did, I think, two CDs of songs just on motherhood. Then you did one for wives and mothers, and one of lullabies for little children. They were all so beautiful.

But you wrote this one about Psalm 113:9. Remember? “The Joyful Mother.” And where it says, “He maketh the barren woman to keep house,” to be a homemaker, “and to be a joyful mother of children.” When we read that, we see that joy is really, God equates it with motherhood.

And yet, I think today so many mothers don’t really feel that joy. They were, perhaps where you were, way back there. But I think, for a lot of women today, it is really the conditioning of society that has played down the role of motherhood. So, in their brain, they think it’s insignificant, and so they think, “Oh, I love my children! And I love this baby God has given to me.” But they’re still not loving motherhood.

There’s a huge difference, I believe, between loving our children and loving motherhood. Every mother naturally loves her children. But it’s another realm to actually not just love your children, but to LOVE LMOTHERHOOD. I think when we get to that place, and yes, loving and embracing motherhood, that we can enter more into the joy of it. Because if we don’t embrace it, how can we enjoy it?

If we think, “Oh, really, I could be doing something else.” O “I could be doing something better than this!” No, we have to realize that this is the greatest thing that I could ever be doing in life. I just want to encourage you, dear mothers today, that that’s what you are doing. It’s such a powerful and amazing role.

Pearl: But I have to say, Mother, I so agree that so many women need to understand that. But Mum, I understood that! I grew up with . . .

Nancy: I guess you did! I guess you got it ground into you!

Pearl: I grew up with you as my mother! I wanted to be a mother and I knew the value of it. I think a lot of what is in our society is to be our authentic self. If we’re feeling down, and things are hard, just to embrace it. Now, you never taught me that either, Mum. That was all on my own.

And because we have our own lies that we believe, right? And I believed that one. I think that’s very prevalent in society. You know, the extremists, well, people think you, well, they’re just going to pretend you’re happy? What is this pretending thing? We know that’s just stuffing things down.


But there’s a whole different way that God looks at that. He says: “Put off and put on.” So, what do we put off? We put off our negativity. We put off our depression. We put off our “poor me,” and we put on our gratitude, our joy. We put on this delight in life, this delight for motherhood.

That’s what I had to learn, to put off the lies, and to put on the truth. Because it’s not pretend. It’s the truth, and that’s what I needed, that’s what I had to learn. Not to value my motherhood, because I already valued it. I needed to walk in this truth of joy.


Nancy: Yes, I believe that is true. It’s what you believe, how you believe, and what you think is how you’re going to live. In our motherhood, in this land of motherhood, we’re going to live it and enjoy it, according to how we believe. The truth of the Word of God, which is that Christ is in us. Christ in you, the hope of glory. And Christ, who is joy.

He had “joy above His fellows,” the Bible says in the Psalms, and also in Hebrews 1:9, how that because “He loved righteousness and hated evil, He had joy above all His fellows.” His joy was over the top. It was above things. That joy, that joy resides in us. It’s not the joy just for feeling happy. It’s the joy, no matter what we’re going through.

Even where the Scripture says that: “for He endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him.” We can hardly imagine it, but even in going to the cross, there was sorrow so much that He sweat drops of blood. And yet the Bible says: “For joy He went through it.” I don’t think maybe we really fully understand what true joy is. It’s something that is so deep and underlying, even apart from the things that we face in life.

Pearl: Right! And I think it’s not dependent on our circumstances, because life always kicks, no matter what. Sometimes I was always in a place where I was waiting for it to be perfect. Then I could be joyous because everything was right. But the joy can be in the scorched places, the hard places. Mum, can I bring you a bit of science? This is very interesting.

Nancy: Yes, I’d love that!

Pearl: I haven’t told you this before. I was planning on it. As we live and speak and believe, our body changes. Like the Bible says: “A merry heart is like medicine.” As someone believes, so he is, or becomes. That’s the truth of things.

But over these last years, I’ve learned to put on and practice this joy in my life in the way I speak, in the thoughts that I allow to nest in my mind, and in my general, just day-to-day. I continually practice these things, because to practice I had . . . They took the place of all the other ones that I used to say and believe.

So, it’s interesting. Recently Serene and I have been big into gut health. We’re going to bring some microbiome testing to our women. Gut is such a huge thing in how we think, and how we feel. These days, so many people have compromised guts.


I got my microbiome tested and there are a few things I have to work on. But what this doctor said to me was, “You have amazing bugs in your gut.” He said, “I’m calling them “happy bugs.” You must have a lot of positive thoughts. Do you feel positive?”

And I’m like, “Yes! I’m so super-positive but I didn’t used to be like this.” He said, “Well, you’ve got an abundant supply of super-positive bugs in your gut that will give you, I would call them, happy thoughts. Is that correct?”

I’m like, “Yes!” That was incredible to me! A merry heart does do good medicine! It is like medicine. I think that that has just been because I’ve practiced this in my life and my body is responding.

Nancy: That is absolutely amazing!

Pearl: But Mother, as I practiced this over the years, at first it was all much like, “No, I refuse these dark thoughts.” Then I practiced putting God’s ones on, His truth. But, Mum, I barely need to practice it now. It’s become such a part of me that I feel it.

There are spontaneous thoughts that have nested and have grown roots. These roots of joy just, I feel like . . . I do. I walk around thinking “Maybe I’m the happiest person in the world.” I don’t know. God’s so good to me!

But I just get more and more a sense of what, of how good He is every day, and how good He is. It just pours out of my thoughts and my speech. I’m sure I still mess up. Occasionally I have a down day, but, man, I get out of that as soon as I can. As soon as I remember.

Nancy: Oh, that is just so amazing! I know, as I have watched you, you have changed. And even talking about health. You actually had a lot of health challenges in your life, and a lot of that was also learning how you think, really, wasn’t it?

Pearl: Oh, absolutely. I’ve walked out of a lot of things in my life. Even quite grave diagnoses that could have . . .

Nancy: I think now when we’re talking about this, this could have been because there was an underlying negativity there. Then, as you have become more joyful, and putting on Christ, and the thoughts of Christ, it changes your health.


Pearl: Absolutely! Reconditions your health. And it’s not a denial. These are not miracle healings. These are healings that are slow, but they’re manifest. As your self-changes with your thoughts, and I’m not speaking woo-woo. This is science now. It’s catching up with the Bible. People think that’s just mind over matter stuff. It’s not!

Nancy: When this doctor saw this, does he see many people like that?

Pearl: No. I’m sure I don’t have the most joyous gut-bugs in the world, but he said, no, they were significantly high. Significantly high, he said, so I’m just happy with that. Because I’m sure that mine at one point were significantly low.

Nancy: That is amazing! Well, you know, talking about that Scripture, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,” I have it written down here. I don’t even know where I put my glasses, so I hope I can read it!

But, you know, this Scripture, “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children,” well, that word “joyful” there is exactly the same Hebrew word as “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” It’s the same, same word! And the word that is related to “motherhood” is in this Scripture, then related to health. That is very interesting.


Pearl: But Mother! Mother! Mother! There are just light bulbs are going off in my head. So, really, if you take that whole Scripture into consideration, it’s like healing joy. It’s healing joy, and motherhood can be healing joy.

Even pregnancy, we’ve been talking to this doctor lately about what happens to the body when you are flooded with pregnancy hormones. When we’re a young woman in our twenties, we have estrogen that maybe reaches 300-400. It’s healing to our bodies. We’re thriving, and our bodies are like that, because we have to have babies and we have to nurse our babies. We have to have energy. Auto-immune diseases are lower. We have great protection from that estrogen.

When we go through menopause, it goes down to one percent of what that was. I’m all about replacing naturally my hormones. But when you’re pregnant, do you know that your estrogen levels go to 20,000? That’s just incredible. Do you know that that is absolutely healing of autoimmune diseases? It is healing of many things. So, motherhood, yes, now sometimes we come to motherhood through adoption or other things. But just pregnancy itself is healing joy!

Nancy: Yes. Yes. So many people have been healed of so many things during pregnancy. That is absolutely amazing. Isn’t it sad that you know the conditioning of our education and our world system is that “Oh, you don’t have too many babies, and pregnancy might be harmful.” Whereas that is a lie. The opposite is the truth because it brings such health and such release of hormones. Oh, wow! It’s so amazing.

Let’s give you the reference, Proverbs 17:22: “A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine.”

And then Proverbs 16:13: “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.” I think that both those relate to motherhood because it’s the same word, “the joyful mother,” “the merry-hearted mother.”

In fact, if we go to the Hebrew of that word, “a merry heart, the joyful mother,” the word in the Hebrew is sameach. It means “to be full of glee.” In fact, the whole meaning of the word is “gleeful, merry-full, happy-full, cheerful, rejoicing-full,” and of course, “joyful.”

Hey, but more than that! Because I was studying this word. This word is described in the Bible to talk about parties and feastings and festivals where they really get happy. We can read about that in Deuteronomy and Kings.


Then what about this one? This was when they were making Solomon king. In 1 Kings 1:39, 40 it says: And Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the ram’s horn, and all the people proclaimed, long live King Solomon! And all the people followed him, playing flutes and rejoicing with such a great joy that the earth split open from the sound.”

Pearl: Ha. That’s amazing.

Nancy: The earth-splitting joy. Now, we cannot even imagine that that could actually happen. Was that true? Or was it just a cliché that describes how much joy it was? I thought, “Well, I’d better check that out. So, I looked up the actual Hebrew word for where it says, in the King James it says, “And the earth was rent with the sound of it.” But here, in this modern translation, it says “And the earth split open from the sound.”

I said, “I’ve got to check it out.” I always want to check things out. I checked it out, and it was the word, let’s see, I haven’t even got my glasses on. But somewhere I have it written that the Hebrew word, yes, it does actually, literally mean the word that they used there, “to split open, to divide.” So, obviously, it’s what happened! *

Pearl: That’s huge, Mum! I’ve never heard it like that before, that Scripture, but it makes so much sense to me. Because as we start to study quantum physics, when we split the atom, what is the smallest thing that makes the biggest explosion? The splitting of the atom, the atomic bomb.

But you see, these things that we do and say, and God’s Word, especially, it moves the quantum world. We only see and hear and do these things with our five senses, but most of what is happening is things that we can't see or hear.

Jesus, God created this quantum world. Yes, everything is vibrating. We don’t see things vibrating but they are. I believe that joy, the same thing goes with depression or sadness. They affect things we can’t see. Sometimes they affect them so much they manifest as things we can see. So, joy, I totally believe, could split the earth. It's just incredible.


Also, I want to say something else. It was about the cheerful countenance verse. A cheerful countenance, what is it? To me, when I think about it, is the smile. You always smiled at us children, and that’s the thing I remember about you as a mother is your smiling at us constantly throughout the day! Just cheering us on with your smile and it showed your love.

I don’t know that I did that as much, and I don’t know why, because you did it to me, but I had to find that. Now, I’m determining to be the most smiley grandmother in the world. But I think I did learn to. I just let events get me down sometimes and then I learned to walk out of that.

But smiling at my husband, I think is something that is so huge for the atmosphere of the home. A smile can change the whole atmosphere of the home. I find that when I’m frowning, if I’m letting the stress of my workload get over me, and I look at my husband when he comes in the door, I just try to show him my fatigue and I see him wear it. I see him start to wear it and he doesn’t smile at me either. He’s like, “What’s wrong? Well, we’re old poor pitiful people, aren’t we?” Then the whole house is poor and pitiful.

But I learned to shake it off and smile and be cheerful in my countenance. I’m still working on that, but I love being a smiler. I love being that way and I’m glad that you were that to us.

Nancy: Yes, I think that is such an amazing thing. I just want to encourage you, lovely moms. I think that’s one of the foundations of joy. You don’t always feel joy. We’re talking about this today, but you come into the habit. It becomes a habit of your life, and you begin to feel it because it’s part of you.

But you don’t start off feeling it. You’ve got to just do it because that’s what you do. Smiling is perhaps the foundation of joy. You smile, because when you smile, you can’t stay unhappy, and you can’t stay negative. You can’t stay mad because you’re smiling! Smiling is releasing joy. One of the things you can do to begin to be a joyful mother is to begin to smile and smile at your children. It is such a powerful thing.

And, as Pearlie says, at your husband. I was just hearing from someone, was it today? A message I got, and in talking to another wife just recently. They’re so . . . I just don’t even know how their marriage can work. But I think to myself, “You can’t just smile at your husband constantly and them still want to get away from you.” No, it doesn’t work that way. But a smile is so endearing, and it will break down the barriers. It draws you closer and closer together. So, become a smiler!

I think of that Scripture in 2 Corinthians 3:18: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. We are changed as we behold the Lord, and as we see Him in His Word, and we understand Who He is. We change, and we become more like Him, because we are looking at Him.

Now, it’s the same with our children. They look at us all day! Who else are they looking at? Mainly looking at Mother. What do they see? If they see frowns . . . and oh, goodness me! I see some mothers, and they look so sour, and so boring, and so frowning, wow! Help! You’d think they were just about to die! And if their children are looking at that all day, what are they going to be like? They’re going to be frowning and grumbling and complaining too!

You look at them. You’re smiling. You’re going to get smiling children.

Thank you, Pearlie, for coming! Oh, that was just so amazing to hear those things you shared. I think of Pearl. There was a time I can remember when we’d be at a wedding or something. You would not be one who would like to ever go out or dance, or perhaps even move your feet. You would just sit on the sofa like the princess on the chair.

But now, you just get in there, and you go for it! Wow! At Rocky’s wedding (Rocklyn, her son), because all Pearl’s children are married now, except beautiful Autumn. She’s the last one left. But recently we had Rocky’s wedding, and he was doing a dance with his mother at the end. But then, from a beautiful waltz you suddenly entered into this wild thing! It was unbelievable!

Pearl: I just think it’s . . . I want the banner over my life to be joy. I want it to ooze out of me, and it is. I want to dance and sing my way through life because it’s a celebration of God’s goodness. Each day He gets more good! And each day I realize it. I’m like you, Mum. I look to my future with such hope and joy because this is Him!

And every day that His Word speaks to me, it sounds so super-spiritual, like it’s the Bible, and God, and all this. But it is! There’s nothing else that has changed me into the joyous person that I am other than Christ in me, and Him being the hope of glory for me. It’s beautiful, and it’s incredible.

Nancy: Yes. Amen.

“Lord, we thank You so much that we can talk together. Lord, thank You that You are our joy. You have put joy within us. We may not have it of ourselves, but You are joy within us.

“Father, I pray for every wife, mother, daughter, listening today, that You will give them just a glimpse of walking in joy, and how to put it on. It is something we have to do. We have to put off our old nature, and all our grumbling, and put on Christ. Help us, Lord, to always do this, and to be faithful. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have a moment, it would be lovely if you could email a little thank you letter to Darlene. She sacrifices much of her time to transcribe these podcasts for you and I know it would encourage her to know that you are blessed by her hard work. Thanks so much.

*The word “rent” in 1 Kings 1:40 is baqa and means “to cleave, to break, to open, to cleave, to divide, to rip up.




