
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


Rocky Barrett: Welcome to the podcast, From our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies. 

Nancy Campbell: Hello ladies. Well I can’t believe it but today is only one week to our elections—ONE WEEK.

Wow. That’s not long, is it? I’m going to take this session today about voting for our elections next week.

Don’t turn off and say, “Oh this is just a political podcast.” Well, I want to talk to you about some things that I don’t believe are political at all. I believe that they are very moral and very biblical and we as God’s people, as believers believing in His Word, believing in His infallible truth must consider seriously.

In fact, I believe that this election is far more than an election between two parties. For years we’ve had the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. There have been differences and people choose one or the other.

But this year it’s not like that. There was a time where you could choose the Democratic Party because it just had different ideas and you were more prone to those ideas and that was fine. But this year everything has changed. It’s not between two parties. It’s between two kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

That’s why we need to talk about it because it’s got beyond just political ideas. It’s come back to the very core of truth and life and who we are in this nation.

There are only two kingdoms in this world. Well, we have many national kingdoms of course but there are only two real kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

We all belong to one of those. We can’t be in the middle. We belong to the kingdom of God or we belong to the kingdom of the devil.

Now I’m sure everyone I’m speaking to today; you belong to God’s kingdom. Therefore if we belong to God’s Kingdom, we’ve got to live by His kingdom principles and by His kingdom truths.

I think we need to look at these today. We’re not going to look at any political ideas because there are still differences in those two parties with their different ideas. We’re not even going to think about them but we’re going to look at the Biblical issues because we have a responsibility to get that right, don’t we?

We pray the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

What a powerful prayer God gave us to pray. Well, Jesus actually gave it to His disciples when He was here. He said, “I want you to pray that what is done in Heaven will be done on earth.”

Therefore this comes right back to us. We have a responsibility to bring Heaven down to earth. That’s why God wants us to be involved in what happens in the nation. He’s told us to pray earnestly in first Timothy 2:1: I exhort therefore, that, FIRST OF ALL . . ..”

When we come together to pray, first of all.

When we pray together as a family, first of all.

When we come to church, first of all.

“ . . . FIRST OF ALL, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority . . ..”

Why? It tells us: “ . . .That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

God wants an environment in our nation that is peaceful and quiet and where each family can do their business. A place where the father can work and provide for his family and there’s no protesting and riots but there’s peace and an atmosphere and the gospel can be proclaimed and people can come to know Jesus!

God says in His Word, “I want you to pray for this, to intercede for this, to supplicate for this because this is My will for you.”

We see that He wants us to be part of what is happening in the nation.

We go back to the Old Testament and we read in Jeremiah 29. This is where the Lord was speaking to His people who had been taken captive to Babylon. Here they are, captives in a foreign land but even in this situation God tells them some specific things.

He actually tells them seven things that they had to do, which we haven’t got time to talk about today. But the sixth thing was, He said: “And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.”

God wants us to be involved in praying and participating in the place where we live and the city where we live and the nation in which we live will have peace and we will have peace and our children and our children’s children will find peace.

I believe as mothers, oh precious mothers, don’t you have a burden at this time for what is going to happen at this election? Because this will determine the future. Not only for us, because we are getting along in life, but our children and our children’s children, the future generations if the Lord tarries. What kind of environment are they going to live in?

I will help that kind of environment by what I do now. I will help to establish that environment either for peace or for rioting according to how I vote.

This is just so important. I’m sure you will be voting. If you know friends, family, young people—are all your 18-year old’s registered, encouraged, and ready to vote?

Let’s get everyone we can to vote!

What are these Biblical things we have to look at?


Number one of course is the sanctity of life. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Life. God is the Author of life. God loves life. God is the One Who gives conception for life.

Every precious life that is conceived is an eternal soul, a soul that is going to live forever, but a soul that has destiny and purpose for this life. And so life from the moment of conception is life.

If you want to know more about that you can go back to my podcast series I did on Psalm 139 about the baby in the womb.

THE AWE AND WONDER OF LIFE IN THE WOMB (Psalm 139:13-18) Parts 1 - 5: Expounding the Hebrew words: Podcasts 24 – 28.

Going into the Hebrew words we see more of what God is doing in the womb and yes, this baby was a life from the moment of conception. Therefore we as the people of God, as a believer, must vote for life.

Lovely ladies, if we do not vote for life, how can we be part of the kingdom of God? God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of Life.

Satan’s kingdom is a kingdom of death. He hates life. He comes to rob, to steal, and to destroy. He wants to annihilate life every way he can. Of course he has all the methods of contraception. When they fail, abortion is his backup plan.

But, any way, he will stop life and sadly, now, the Democratic Party of our nation has become our party of death. Both Biden and Kamala Harris and everyone in their party are pro-abortion. They are not for life. They are pro killing a baby in the womb, not just in the first trimester but right up to birth. If a precious baby somehow survives an abortion attempt and is born, they don’t even want to save the baby then. No, the baby is to be left on the cold, hard table to die—because they hate life.

No believer in Jesus, no person who confesses they belong to the kingdom of God, can vote for that party which wants to murder life.

Already we have 63 million precious babies who have been murdered because of Roe vs. Wade and because of Planned Parenthood. But that is not enough. That’s not enough for them. They want to murder more. They’ve joined with the devil to hate life and we cannot stand with that, precious ones.

What did Jesus say? Luke 11:17: “ . . . Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.”

The New English Translation says: “ . . . Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed [or in the Greek it means: “left in ruins”] and a divided house falls.”

In the Greek understanding it means: “It’s like a house of cards, a house falls on house like a house of cards just falls.”

The Passion Translation says: “ . . . ‘Every kingdom that is split against itself is doomed to fail and will eventually collapse.”

You see, we cannot say we belong to the kingdom of God and vote for the murder of precious lives in the womb. That’s a kingdom divided against itself. It’s one or the other.

Not only do both Biden and Kamala Harris want, well it already is their plan to murder babies up to birth or after but, they also want to stop any state laws restricting reproductive rights. They have such a thing against life. It’s unbelievable. They want all taxpayers to pay for all abortions. We can’t do this.

The wonderful thing is that our president is Pro-life. This is an amazing thing because when he was a candidate for the presidency, he was sort of Pro-life, not fully. But it’s amazing to see what God has done in this man. I believe God has been working in this man and he has come to fully appreciate life in the womb.

I loved his speech at the March for Life this year, didn’t you? Did you hear it? Here’s just a little excerpt from it where he says: “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. “Together we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life. When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation. When we hold a newborn in our arms, we know the endless love that each child brings to a family. We see the splendor that radiates from each human soul. One life changes the world and above all we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.”

You can actually read his whole speech in the last Above Rubies, Above Rubies 97. I printed it in my editorial because it was so powerful. So there we go. That’s not political— that is biblical. That is moral. As believers we must take a stand on that.


The second point is the sanctity of marriage. If we belong to the Kingdom of God, we cannot endorse same-sex marriage. It defies God. It may now be the law of the land, but it still defies God, Who created us as male and female.

Marriage is holy. It’s a holy estate between male and female. In Hebrews it tells us that the marriage bed is holy and undefiled, and it’s not meant to be defiled.

I think of the introduction to our wedding vows: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in HOLY matrimony. Therefore it’s not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, and solemnly. Into this HOLY estate these two persons present now come to be joined.”

Sadly, our Democratic Party does not see the holiness and God’s plan of a marriage between a male and a female. This is God’s plan, and He has no other.

Biden, in 2012, even before it became law, endorsed same-sex marriage. In 2016 he actually officiated at the wedding ceremony of two men. We cannot vote for this. We cannot vote for this incredible devastating thing that’s happening in our nation.

Even in our education system of young people being advocated into this transgenderism, against who God created them to be. We have to vote against these things, dear ones, because these are biblical, moral issues.


The third one is religious liberty. This belongs to us as the people of God. It’s not just political. This belongs to us as the people of God.

As believers, as citizens of the Kingdom of God we must stand strong and vote for our freedom to live as God intended us to live and vote for our freedom of worship.

It’s biblical. Hebrews 10:25: “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is, but so much the more as ye see the day approaching.”

The more persecution we face, the more troubles we face, the more we must meet together. Sadly that’s not happening in our nation at the moment.

On one side we have a Democratic Party. We have Biden who said he will heavily bring another lockdown on the nation, which will stop business and stop churches again.

Well churches are already locked down, although, in May, President Trump said, “It’s time to get back to church. Churches are essential.” The President of the United States gave this edict because he believes in freedom.

Isn’t it amazing that so many churches haven’t even got back? And yet they have the Word of God telling them to do so. They have the Constitution telling them to do so. They have had the President of the United States giving them the freedom to do so.

Yet we have all these leftist, progressive, extreme socialist governors in states that are locking down the church.

Dear precious saints, if they are doing it now, what will happen if they get in and have control? We will become a nation under complete tyranny. There will be no church. There will be persecution of Christians.

Even now, pastors, ministers and churches are being persecuted in a free country.

Oh goodness me, I mean, what does the First Amendment say?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. No law against religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”

We have that right now. The left is now suppressing what has come to light on the computer of Hunter Biden and of how all these terrible things they were doing with Ukraine and China and getting all these billions.

It’s all being suppressed. Google, Twitter, and Facebook, none of them will let it out. Of course, the fake media is not saying anything and so we don’t even have freedom of the press. Can you imagine what it would be if the extreme socialists take over?

Anyway, it goes on to say: “Or the right of the people to peaceably assemble.”

Every church has the right, biblically and constitutionally, to assemble together. Together. Did you get the word “TOGETHER”?

Not separately, not socially distancing six feet apart. TOGETHER.

“And to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Of course we get people who say, “Oh well I’m just obeying my government.” Well, if you want to be really correct, who has the power in this nation? The constitution gives the power to the people.

The whole constitution begins: “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States.”

WE THE PEOPLE. We are the ones who decide.

Isn’t it sad? The statistics are that over 70 percent of the people who even believe Biblically and believe for freedom, and of course it’s in them to believe that way, but are fearful to say anything.

What’s happened to us? What’s happened?

Sometimes I think and look back at the Wild West. Do you think they’d all be covered up with masks and too scared to do anything and saying, “Yes sir,” to these wild, extreme socialist governors?

No! They would have taken it into their own hands by now.

We are the people. We are a people who are free. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Goodness me, let’s just know who we are and let’s vote for who we’re meant to be! We’ve seen what’s been happening in our nation and that’s only a little taste if that extreme socialist Party gets in.

You know, I was just reading the other day. I was reading in Luke chapter two about the story of when Joseph and Mary took Jesus up to the Passover. It says in the Bible: “As was their custom.”

I love that. They had habits. They had customs which they kept. I think that’s great. Even Jesus had the custom of going into the synagogue every Sabbath (Luke 4;16). Every week it was His habit to go into the House of God.

I believe that we, as the people of God, should have that habit. Even before these crazy lockdowns came, so many of God’s people didn’t have this habit. What had happened? It was always a habit of the people of God.

Instead, “Oh well, we’ll go to church when we feel like it. But oh, wow, it’s such a beautiful day! I think we’ll go for a picnic today.”

I met a couple just the other day and I said to them, “Hey, where were you on Sunday?”

They said, “Oh it was such a beautiful day we thought we’d go for a walk.”

I said, “I beg your pardon? You can go for a walk any day of the week! This is the Lord’s Day! This is the time when we meet with the people of God. This is our habit.”

You see, the Word shows us it’s to be a habit.

But anyway, they went up as was their custom and they enjoyed the Passover, a glorious time fellowshipping with people from everywhere.

It was time to go home and so they go home. It was a day’s journey home, and it comes to suppertime, comes time to eat and hey, where is Jesus? Where is He? Probably with some other families, but no, He is nowhere to be found, not in any of their company!

So they realized they would have to go back, all the way back to Jerusalem. For three days they walked. Can you believe it? As a mother you would just be absolutely out of your brain. Any way, they eventually found Him in the temple talking with the doctors and the Pharisees and everybody.

Mary, His mother says, “How could you do this to us? We have just been in turmoil.”

What did Jesus say? “Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?”

The Passion Translation says: “Didn’t you know that it was necessary for Me to here in My Father’s house consumed with Him?”

You see Jesus knew that it was necessary for Him to be in His Father’s house. I believe that it is necessary for all children to be in God’s house and that we have the habit of taking them into the house of God every week.

It should be a habit, but also because it is NECESSARY for them to be with the people of God as much as it is necessary for us, too.

But, although Trump says, “Get back to church,” not that everybody has, but he’s given us the freedom and the mandate, Biden wants to repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

He wants to bring lockdown. He does not want churches.

Can you believe what’s happening? I just read yesterday in the Globe Newspaper that Governor Newsom of California has now mandated that families can only meet with no more than three families together.

Oh my, we would never survive! We have so many families coming together here on our land and having wonderful functions and picnics and family gatherings. Goodness me, that’s our life!

But this is in private homes. How can this much tyranny happen in the land of the free when a governor decides what happens in your private home?

He says that they can only have three families and they can only meet for no more than two hours. They are not allowed to have any singing or even shouting! They can’t even shout with joy.

Wow, when you’ve got lots of children and teens around and they’re having fun and they’re playing soccer on the back lawn or they’re playing volleyball on the volleyball court they’re just shouting with joy with one another and they’re just having fun! This is life!

Why do these extreme socialists want to lock down life, and joy, and happiness? I mean this is how we’re meant to live!

This is God’s way! I mean, what did Jesus say? Well he said first of all that the devil, that he has come to rob, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10;10).

But Jesus said in John 10:10: “I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more ABUNDANTLY.”

See, this is the difference and now we’re even seeing this in the two parties. No, I’m not talking political, I’m being biblical. That’s John chapter ten verse ten.

These leftist parties that have just gone the devil’s way. They want you to have misery, lockdowns, and separating from one another—that’s not how God intended us to live.

When God created man, He created him to be social and to interact. First of all, He created husband and wife to be intimate, and then the family—beautiful intimate fellowship together. Then extended families meeting with one another and then socializing out beyond that in our churches and in our fellowships.

And then as we go out among the community, smiling at one another, greeting one another, and having a little word to one another, bending down to smile at a little child.

THIS IS LIFE. Jesus said: “I am come to give you life and give it to you more abundantly.” That word is a word that means: “superabundantly, over the top, more than is necessary.” It’s an over-abundant word. It’s filled with life, and vitality, and fun, and socializing, and THIS IS LIFE.

Well, they want lockdowns and coming to rob, and to kill, and to destroy—to destroy life in the church, to destroy life in the womb, to destroy life of just interaction and how we are meant to live.

Oh my, lovely ladies, let’s vote for freedom, PLEASE! Please, please—for your children, for your children’s children, for future generations.

Don’t you care about your children and your children to come? That they will live in what this land was created to be, the land of the free and the home of the brave, this land of great opportunity?

We know this is a land of opportunity. My husband and I, and all our family, we come originally from New Zealand. Then we lived in Australia. Then we came here. We felt privileged to come to this land, this land of opportunity. It has been a land of opportunity. It’s been a glorious land of opportunity for our children. They have done things that they could have never done back in our small countries of New Zealand and Australia.

They could have done them in a smaller way, but this land is so big and it’s so free and we need to keep it this way.

This land is the last bastion of freedom and what happens next Tuesday will not only determine this nation and our children, but it will affect the whole of the world.

Let’s come out and vote. Did you know that there were 40 million Christians who did not vote in the last elections in 2016? That is horrific. I read a statistic that 55 percent of pastors won’t be voting for Trump. Who are they? Who are these people?

Who are they? Are they voting for murder? Are they voting for this nation to be locked down and for all our freedoms to be taken away? Are they voting for same-sex marriage? Who are they voting for?

Oh, may God come even in this last week and open the eyes of the people of the nation to what is at stake. Amen.


Oh yes, number four, is supporting Israel because that is so biblical. We have to be on the side of Israel in this nation if we want God’s blessing.

I now have five minutes so I won’t get through it, so maybe we will do another session on it sometime, but I have 18 different points about what God wants us to do about evil.

I believe they relate to next Tuesday and how we are going to vote, unless you are going to vote before that. Even if I get through a couple of them, I think it will be important. But I want you to know that there are actually 18 different things that God says that we as His people are to do about evil.

There is so much evil in this land. I heard President Trump saying the other night at one of his rallies, “I did not know the swamp was so evil or so huge.” It is true. There is more hidden darkness in the swamp that is yet to be uncovered that is so treacherous. We have all this evil all around us, but we just go on living and we don’t do anything about it.

But God has given us 18 verbs of what we’re to do about it. So I think we should take notice, don’t you?


Every one of these has loads of Scriptures so I’ll just give you a few.

Psalm 34:14: “Depart from evil, and do good . . ..”

Proverbs 3:8: “ . . . Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.”

Proverbs 14:16: “A wise man fears, and departs from evil . . ..”

Proverbs 16:6: “ . . . By the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.”

Now, ladies, if we’re going to take action and we’re going to depart from evil we have to depart from a party that is wanting to murder babies. That’s evil. There’s no greater evil. I mean murder is horrific but to murder innocent life in the womb, that is worse murder, and we have to depart from it.


Romans 12:9:” . . . Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.”

The Greek word for abhor is apostygeō and it means: “To shudder with horror.” Do we really do that, precious ladies? Do we shudder with horror at the evils in our nation as we see beautiful young men and women changing their sex? Oh that is evil!

Do we shudder when we see precious babies being murdered? Now there’s no excuse today. There may have been years ago when people didn’t quite know what was going on in the womb. But now they know! They know exactly that this is a precious life. They can see this baby forming, kicking, ALIVE in the womb!

And they murder it.

Does that make you shudder? Are you teaching your children how evil this is? They are growing up getting used to it. That’s something we have to watch. Oh, may God save us from ever getting used to these evils or allowing our children to get used to them! We  have to continually shudder with horror.


We will be rejecting any party that has to do with evil.


Amos 5:15:Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate . . ..” (That is in the city and the nation where they are conducting all the judgments and the laws) “ . . . It may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.”

Oh goodness me, I am beyond time! Let me just give you the three promises we will receive as we read in the Scripture when we hate evil.

Number one. Justice will be established again.

Number two: The Lord of hosts, the Lord of the armies of heaven will presence Himself with us.

Number three: God will be gracious to us.

Oh my ladies, hate evil. Let’s vote against evil. Can you do this?

Some time, I’ll share with you the rest of those points.

Let’s pray.

“Dear Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for Your will to be done on this earth in this nation.

“We pray, Lord, that what is in heaven will come down to earth next Tuesday and people will vote against evil and against murder and against all the things that are contrary to Your Word and to the freedoms of this nation.

“Lord God, we pray, oh God, we’re so undeserving, but we cry out to You for a great turning, a great turning back to You and back to righteousness and that You will supernaturally touch hearts all over this nation, even people who have never voted before. Touch their hearts to rise up and vote for life and vote for the heavenly kingdom principles so we can have a little taste of heaven on earth, oh God, instead of all the evil and tyranny. We ask it in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”

Transcribed by Morgan Roth.





