
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


Well it's lovely to be with you again today, ladies, and I have another visitor with me. Well, she's not really a visitor. She's a great friend. In fact Nadia Mutana has shared with you before, way back, we can’t even remember what number it was, can we Nadia? (laughter)

But anyway Nadia is here with me today. I'll get Nadia  to remind you all of her children. It’s always lovely to know about people's children, isn’t it? In Above Rubies, when I share articles of mothers, I always love to put the names and the ages of the children. I know you love reading them and finding out different names, that mothers call their children. So! Remind the ladies about your family, Nadia.

Nadia: Hello Ladies, so good to be with you here, today. So I am a mom of seven, my children range from 14 down to two. So Jeremiah is 14 1/2, they’re all, or lots of them in halves—Samuel is 11 ½. Wonder is nine, about to be ten, and Elizah, my next girl, she is seven. And I have a Jairus, Jay-irus  you would call it, five, and Cyrus who is three, and little Grace who just turned two.

Nancy: Yes, they are the most beautiful children and just a delight. We always love it when they come, and their children are such a blessing.

But the other day Nadia was sharing with me and pouring out her heart of how she doesn’t want to have a normal Christian family and longing for something so much more and my heart just ignited with her heart because, dear ladies, I wonder where you are today? Are you satisfied with just being normal like every other Christian family? Or do you want something more? Do you have a greater vision?

I know, although my children are grown, and yet I still have such a vision and such a longing and prayer for them. I mean, I was never satisfied as our children were growing up to see them as, you know, wonderful Christian people. That’s not enough for me. I want to see them totally filled with God’s Spirit and with such a passion to live for Him.

Of course, now we have grandchildren and now we’re having great-grandchildren, so my burden and passion is for them. I can't stand normality! Well, maybe you can, maybe you’re happy with normality. But I can’t be. How do you feel, Nadia? Well, I know you don't feel like that. Just tell me a little bit of your heart.

Nadia: Well I think normal is a little exaggerated but the last thing I want for me . . . like, I got into this following Jesus because I believe it's real. You know my background, I’m an Ex-Muslim so I didn’t leave that to just feel good. To just, you know what I mean, to just be okay. I know, praise God, that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life! Praise God that I know where I’m headed.

But that's not the end of the story is it? Cause if it was, you and I, He would just take us to heaven. We’re here today for a purpose and I’m just determined to live that purpose. It’s not okay that we’re just a Christian family that just goes to church on Sunday. Yes, we don’t do bad things, we don’t say bad things. But is that really the end of what life is supposed to be? I want to live a life that is so significant in the eyes of God.

I mean, here on the earth we care about the heritage we have. Right? We care about leaving an inheritance and that is so important. But my heart cries! The greatest inheritance I want to leave my children with is their walk with God, is an intimacy with Him. I want them to know how to talk to Him, to hear His voice. I want them to know Him. And I want them to fulfill the purpose why they were designed for. Beyond everything else I want them to know. Those things are great, those things are awesome, but if I’m going to fail at anything, let me fail at that, but not at failing to reveal Jesus to them.

Nancy: I think something you said there, Nadia, that you want your children to know Him. Dear precious mothers, I think that should be our greatest passion, shouldn’t it? It’s not enough for them to just grow up in a Christian family, even grow up in a homeschooling family. But that they know Him, that they experience Him.

I mean, you were just telling me, Nadia how you were asked to speak at this Sunday school and you're speaking to children who go to church morning and evening on Sundays and midweek and sometimes a further meeting. And they don't even know anything about the Bible! Tell me!

Nadia: It broke my heart! I mean, I went, you know, because a local church called me, that is why I went. And I was sharing the Word with the children. I love to share the Word with my children and other children. I was illustrating and talking to them about basic Bible principles like the story of Moses and I'm asking them “Tell me any miracle that Jesus did.” You know, ‘cause I want to prove a point and nobody could tell me it. One boy was able to say, the storm, but nobody else, and this is a room, this was their ages the children were about up to twelve years of age. And they could not. And I’m thinking, it just broke my heart! And I know you, some of the women are just like, Wahh, I’m surprised. But you know what?

We think because children live under our roof and they go to church that the Word of God is just going to just rub off on them. It takes work! And none of the parents who bring their children to church three times a week would tell me that they are doing it because they don’t want their children to know God.

Nancy: They want them to know God.

Nadia: No! They want them to know God. And they would probably say that their children know God but it's so important that we make the Word of God so real. It is nobody else's responsibility to teach my children about the love of God. I'm the mother. We’re the parents. It is our responsibility to train them. The Bible tells us to tell them of His Word when they rise up, and when they lie down, when they go about. It's our responsibility. So when we fail at it, no wonder, we wonder they don't know the story.

I mean. When I first read that Scripture in Exodus that says, “There rose up a generation that did not know the Lord nor the things he’d done” (Judges 2;10). I remember, you can read about it. It's like what!?

How could the children, the very direct children of the Israelites who were just in the wilderness, not know about the parting of the sea, not know about the mana that was falling down, not know about all these great things God did. This is the next generation. What happened? There was a disconnect between the parent and the child.

Nancy: I think it's a HUGE thing passing on the baton, don't you? Like there is a saying that says, “One generation is one generation away from degeneration.” Which is sad and I think it is very true because I see degeneration. But oh, that we could have a testimony that one generation is one generation away from regeneration.

Nadia: Hallelujah, Yes.

Nancy: That our children are going to know God and even be more passionate about Him than we are. But I think you know we want our children to know Him. But it's not just . . .  yes, I am a great, great believer in taking our children to church—and faithfully, habitually, that it's part of our lives. I feel sad today, that there are many families who, yes, they go to church when it's fine.

Nadia: They just go to church when it's convenient.

Nancy: Yes, when it's convenient.

Nancy: But oh well, mostly, but you know, if something happens, or some friends turn up . . . “It’s such a beautiful day today, why don't we just go out for a picnic? But it’s not the thing, okay. We do this! Now I am a great believer in that. I am a passionate believer in that but that's not all of it. It’s  got to start in the home. It's the home, and it starts with us.

Our children have to see our walk with God. and that we are passionate for God, and that we love His Word, and that we love to pray. Does that sound boring? Oh, help no. and if we don't love those things, what are they going to see in us? They are going to see, oh life’s just about everything else.

Is life just about everything else? And that is the sad thing, because I do see that in many Christian homes today. And beautiful people, oh goodness me, the most wonderful Christian people, but really, their lives are about everything that's happening around them. Because life can take over you, can’t it? It can just take over with so much there is to do, and we can get into just the way of everybody else.

We have to take our children to this and to that and we’re so busy. We’re going here, we’re going there, we’re taking them here, we’re taking them there. It's just this great big rat race. And how much time do we have for God?

We were just reading in our family devotions this morning and we read that wonderful Scripture in Malachi 3:16 and I think you’ll all know it: “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another.” Oh do you notice that word “OFTEN one to another”?

Now we often think of this Scripture of being about fellowshipping with other Christians and that is true, but everything starts in the home. Even this starts in the home. How often do we talk with one another about Jesus? How often do we meet together as a family to read His Word, talk about it together, pray together, how often? Well, let me tell you, darling ladies, did you know that God is writing everything down in His book?

Oh my, God has so many books. When you read through the Word of God, it is amazing how much it talks about God writing books and then God inspiring other people to write books. Well, the whole Bible is books that God inspired to write to get His message to us.

But He is also writing books. He writes a book about every person's life and every detail, even this. Every time we talk with one another; every time we think about Him, He's writing it down and Heaven must be filled with libraries and libraries of books.

I was actually doing a study on this and, oh I’ve got to start again, because I lost all my notes. But you wouldn't believe how many Scriptures I found. But anyway here we are:

“They that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him.”

God has scribes in Heaven. Some of the angels must be scribes who are writing everything down. And it was written down in His presence this “book of remembrance” that God’s got remembering everything and it “was written before him (in His presence) for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”

Now, how are we going to get our children to have a passion for God, if, help, when do we talk with Him about it? When do we get together with them to pray and talk about His Word?

Nadia: I think, you know, most of the women who listen to Above Rubies might say, “Oh we already do that. We already do devotions. I think I want to challenge us to go from just devotions to throughout all your day. It's not just the once. Right? ‘Cause I could have ten, fifteen, twenty, minutes of that, but what’s the rest of the evening? Is it three or four hours of TV? Is it whatever?

It's learning to carry Jesus in everything we do When the child falls down and has their owie or whatever it is. When there's a need . . . but they are to see it as a lifestyle. Like you say, it's not just something we do, we just did a morning devotion, but it's who we are.

Nancy: Yes, and I think there is always this balance in everything, so we have BOTH. If we don't make stipulated times, somehow nothing happens, but we make stipulated times and then we carry that out as you say, so that it is a lifestyle throughout the day.

Because it is true, there are certain things you have to do and get on with and life is duty, and life is work, and life is, you know, getting things done. And you have to do that. But we bring, you know, Jesus into everything. Your little one falls, well pray! Have a little problem, pray! You know prayer is the answer to everything. So it becomes a lifestyle.

That kind of brings me to this balance too, how you need the Spirit and the Word. Sometimes there are children that grow up in homes where they have their family Bible reading, or whatever you call it in your home, and there's no life in it, unfortunately. You see, we have to have the Spirit and the Word.

I love that old saying, which I learned as a child:

“If you have all Word, you’ll dry up.

If you have all Spirit, you’ll blow up.

But if you have the Word and the Spirit,

You’ll grow up.”

Nadia: Yes, you’ll grow up. Praise the Lord.

Nancy: I'm thinking of Isaiah 59:21. Let me go to it here. Wonderful Scripture, it’s a mandate for parents. I have most probably quoted it to you before, but we could say it every session, it's so powerful.

As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit, which is upon you and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your children, nor out of the mouth of your children's children, saith the LORD, from henceforth and forever!”

What a mandate God has . It’s not just for us now. It's not just for our children, but for our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, and every generation following.

And precious mothers today, you are not mothering just for your children now. No, you are mothering generationally. Your mothering now will impact generations to come. The impact and power and influence of a mother is so great because what we put into our children will go into their children and what they put into their children will go into the next generation.

But remember what it is, it’s the Word and the Spirit. So when we come and we make these special times to bring our families together, they should be times to . . . “Oh this is going to be so exciting. Come on, children we are going to hear what God is going to say to us today.” Wow! What could be more powerful than that?

Nadia: That's right, I believe so.

Nancy: This is God speaking to us. We have to give our children such an understanding of His word that this is not some boring thing, this is God speaking! Wow and we want to get them. “Okay children, I want you to open your eyes. I want you to open your ears. I want you to listen with your outer ears and I want you to listen with your inner ears and I want you to listen to what God’s going to say to you.”

Nadia: That's right, what He is going to say to you. Not some religious “we’re just sitting there and doing it.” But what we actually get out of this time. What did each person have to take from it?

That life, that word is for each one including my three-year-old, my five-year-old. But what did you get out of the family devotion? How does it apply in you when you go out to play? The same word I take away as a mom and he takes away as a father but it's from the same Word. We all have to walk out with our understanding, because then the enemy steals it, we just wasted our time. That's the normal part. I don’t want to be normal. We did it but what did it bear?

Nancy: Exactly, I think it's a lovely thing. You don't have to do this every time but every now and then just say, you're getting your children, like “Okay, we’re going to listen.” Don't read too much, just you know, a short passage.

We love “The Daily Light On the Daily Path” but then you can say, “What did God say to you?” Isn't it amazing what children will say? Whoo! They get revelation, they hear from God. Often they hear clearer than we do. So let’s give them the opportunity.

Nadia: Because they're going to need it, right. If they don't learn to hear His voice, how about when they’re grown up and making decisions?

Nancy: Well, this is how most adults are today. They go to church on Sunday. They open their mouth and they let the pastor just spoon feed in the little bit of the Word. “Thank you, I've got my meal for the week” and back they go home. They don’t even know how to get it from God for themselves.

Either we are going to be raising children who will have to be spoon fed all their lives. Someone has to preach the Word to give them some bit of revelation, or they get it themselves!

Nadia: But where we are going, the world where it is going, that's not going to work. It might have worked, you might have gotten away with it up to now but look at the changes that are coming. The things our children are going under. Spoon feeding is not going to work.

Nancy: No, it’s not. We’ve got to teach children how, when they read the bible they’re not just “Oh well, I read the Bible.” No I'm looking, I'm listening, for God to speak to me. Oh wow, we do it ourselves and we teach our children. Oh, it's so powerful and then they learn to hear from God themselves. I am so blessed with my own children. Now of course they are grown raising their own children. But I love it when I meet them. They are always getting a revelation. Have you ever met Evangeline in your life without getting a revelation?

Nadia: No! Every single time. I love it. I love it.

Nancy: Or Serene, I mean she gets up to share in church every Sunday with some little something God has shown her. She's not getting up to preach a message but some little something God has shown her. Pearl is the same. They’re always getting revelation.

Nadia: Because God is a speaking God.

Nancy: Yes, He's a speaking God but it's learning to listen isn't it. It is exciting. It's so exciting. Yes, so that's why in the tabernacle there was the table of showbread with the twelve loaves of bread which speak of feeding from Christ feeding from His Word. But just over opposite, was the candelabra, the seven branched candlestick which was light. It was lit each day, twice a day, with the oil which speaks of the Holy Spirit and that was shining down upon the bread, to illuminate, to give light. We can't have light, we can't even have understanding, without the Holy Spirit.

Another Scripture that we read this morning. Yes I am remembering our Word that we had this morning (laughter) and it was the one about the disciples on the way to Emmaus and it says that they were walking along and they were reasoning and there was another word that they were doing (Luke 24:15 the word is “communed”).

Then Jesus came near and began to talk to them and began to OPEN up the Scriptures to them. That's what we need, Jesus to come near and open up the Scriptures and I think that's a beautiful thing to pray when you come to reading Scriptures with your children.

“Lord Jesus, please come near, come near, and open it up to us. We don't understand. We have so much to learn but we’re listening. Come.”

He loves to come to the listening hearts and even those who are talking about it, reasoning, and wondering and trying to figure it all out. I love to do that with people. I love, “Oh I am wondering about this Scripture, what it means, what do you think about it? The sad thing is, there's not many people you can do that with. Most of them look at you with a blank stare. They don't even get into the Scriptures so they’re not even thinking about it. Goodness me!

Nadia: That's why we’re saying, no more of that! (laughing)

Nancy: But it's the Spirit and the Word and of course prayer. We always pray in our times. We get together morning and evening for our family devotions. What do you call it in your house?

Nadia: I think we call it family devotions.

Nancy: You call it what? I love all the different names that people call it.

Nadia: We call it family devotions when we actually get together. Now for me at my house, that’s why I say I wasn't ok with the normal. We started off, like you say, you have to have some structure where you begin and then you build up. We do have a family time when we all come corporately, and I think that's important. But Scripture, it's about each individual then corporately, and I don't want my children to grow up and say “Oh.”. So not only do I train them for the corporate family, but they wake up early and have each one their own time for the Lord.

Nancy: I say to people in our home when they come out . . .

Nadia: No, but down to my five-year-old, six-year-old, go. It's amazing how God wants to meet with them, if you save time. When my husband is done at the end of the day with work and we’re at the table at dinner eating we all ask, He will ask because he wasn’t here, “Hey, what did God say to you? What did you get from your morning devotion?”

Alone, their alone time they read and heard from God. I said “Document it, write it, the ones who can read it. I say try to draw it.” It’s amazing the things that are showing up at the table and I'm thinking “Oh I never looked at that Scripture that way.”

Nancy: Yes, oh yes that is so wonderful.

Nadia: They might be seven but if God is willing to open that Scripture to them and oh, I am saying there's more to this. We want more.

Nancy: I think that is so great and I think that's perhaps one of the greatest things that you can ask your children when you’re at the table, “What has God been saying to you today?”

 Often when people come out for breakfast here, often I'll say, “Okay what did you get from the Word today? In fact, I had one of my grandchildren pop in this morning quite early. I thought, “Oh wow, I wonder if she's had time in the Word this morning. I said, “Oh have you been in the Word this morning?

“Oh I haven't had time yet.”

Nancy: So often I will say to them. “Okay, this old Chinese saint said ‘No Bible, no breakfast.’” So he would never ever eat his breakfast until he had eaten his Bible, until he’d eaten his Word to get his soul and spirit fed. I mean, that is so true.

Once again, the balance, I always believe yes, we train. I was trained right there from a child. Back in those days, it was preached from the pulpit. You had your quiet time (well, it doesn't mean it has to be quiet), but you had your time where you got away with God. It's been a habit of my life so I am usually up early to be in the Word every morning before we have our own family devotions after breakfast.

But I do feel the family thing is so important too because the husband has that responsibility as the father to not only wash his wife with the Word but to wash his family and to give them the Word and to break down that Word.

Yes, I think that's where so many miss out is that individual time.

Nadia: Because if you never train them, you just think, okay, they’re just going to become grownup and one day they will learn to have their own individual time. No, it's training.

Nancy: Yes it’s training, absolutely, yes. Oh yes, I think of 2 Chronicles Chapter two. It's Solomon speaking about his passion to build a house for God. In fact before he had this passion his father had it, David had it, David had this passion. It was his life. Everything in him was to build a house for the living God.

But God said, “No David you’re not going to be the one. You’ve been a man of war. You’ve shed much blood. I want my house built in the anointing of peace. This son of yours, he will do it.  He's going to have peace upon his life.”

And so then Solomon gets that same vision”

2 Chronicles 2:1: “And Solomon determined to build a house for the name of the Lord and a house for his Kingdom.”

believe that speaks to us as building our home for the Lord. It's a home for His kingdom isn't it.

Then he goes on in v. 4 to: “Behold I build an house to the name of the Lord My God, to dedicate it to him.” Then he goes on to say these things. Many people would wonder what on earth he's talking about . . . “and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening.” And so he's talking about these things.

Then v. 5: “And the house which I build is great for great is our God above all gods. But who is able to build him this house seeing the heaven of heavens cannot contain him? Who am I then, that I should build him a house, (except for this reason) except to burn sacrifices before him?

Now what did that entail? He was talking about the morning and evening sacrifices which all pointed to Christ. He talked about the sweet incense which God told the priests they had to burn every morning and every evening. And the sweet incense, as you know, speaks of prayer intercession, praise, worship.

We go over to Revelation and we see the passages in Revelation 5:8 where John saw the sweet incense coming up before the throne, and it goes on to say and “these are the prayers of the saints.”

Then he goes on to talk about the continual shew bread and feeding from Christ continually and so on and so this is why he wanted a house.

Now, why do we want a house? Why do we want a house, and what’s our purpose for our home? To just have the best house in the neighborhood? To perhaps, you know, add on and make our house a bit bigger, get some better furniture, just fix this decor. Hey, What is our passion for our house?

Is it like Solomon’s passion, which was David’s passion? Ii want to build a house and the only reason I want to build it is so that I can meet with God. Every one of these things that he’s talking about, they were literal, but they all spoke of meeting with God, listening to Him speak to us through His Word, calling out to him, getting to know him, and every one was something that they did morning and evening.

That's why Solomon wanted to build this house and although it became the most glorious house, the most glorious house that you can ever imagine, it was just filled and made with pure gold. Do you know that even the . . .  (Colin was speaking about this on Sunday). He was giving the description of how they built this temple and all the gold. In fact in the holy of holies, the Living Bible brings out, because we don't quite understand all the measurements in the King James Version. The Living Bible says that in the Holy of Holies which was covered with gold—the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the Cherubims, the ark of the covenant, there were 23 tons of gold. Even the nails were made of pure gold.

It’s amazing, in v. 9 Solomon says, “I am going to prepare this house which will be wonderful and great.” Yes, and that is why it has to be wonderful. And that's what we should be thinking about when we’re building our house for God.

I’ve got another incredible word. I think it's in 1 Chronicles 22:5.

What did Solomon say? He said this house is going to be WONDERFUL and it's going to be GREAT.

Okay, so the adjectives that David gave were amazing too. Can I just tell you them?

1 Chronicles 22:5: “The house that we are going to build for God is going to be EXCEEDING MAGNIFICENT”. Isn’t that amazing? “For FAME AND FOR GLORY.”

That speaks to me about what you were sharing with me. I don’t want to be ordinary. I don’t want to build an ordinary house. I want to build a house for God that's exceeding magnificent. Now we’re not talking about decor and just glorious, the flashiest house in town. What do we want to be glorious? What do we want to be magnificent?

What do you want to be magnificent and glorious in your home?

Nadia: Beautiful, having it all made of gold would sound good. It sure sounds good to everybody. That’s great. But again, that is awesome, I’ll take that any time. But that is the . . .

Nancy: I’m speaking spiritually.

Nadia: But those things are only temporal, that's the end result, and one day you and I will leave. We won't be on this earth but what are we going to leave.

Nancy: This is what we are talking about. What do you really want to make magnificent in your house? What do you really want to make glorious?

Nadia: That’s exactly what I’m talking about. The presence of God has become so real to me. You see, I made a deal with God a few years ago. I don’t think I’ve told you that. I had just had my sixth baby. He's about three and a half (now). Literally like six weeks ago I had given birth, ten lbs. The Lord, You know we are missionaries. I felt the Lord lay on my heart, “Nadia, would you give everything you have away to go continue on the mission field/” I had just given birth. We had been in the missions for then still seven years. Maybe whenever we had a place I would set everything up and it looked like home because I could keep everything that I cherish. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But to me the Lord began to deal with me. He said, “Would you still go? Would you give it all away and still go?” And I’m thinking, “No Lord, this is the table where my firstborn baby, cut his teeth at. You have memories, you have things that are important to you. But God began to deal with me and it was hard.

I remember I was at church service and I was worshipping and I had been wrestling with God about this. I'm not saying that everybody has to go there but that is where I was. The Lord said to me, “Nadia, would you let my presence be your home? Oh, would you let my presence be your home?” Because I would tell God, “This is what makes my home.” You know what I mean, that's what we called home I would put it up after being in so many places. “Would you let my presence be your home? Would you let my presence be the inheritance of your children?”

I said, “God, before you speak twice, I take that deal.” I turned to my husband and I said, “Give it all away!

He thought I was crazy. He thought it was after giving birth, and you know, after all the hormones. He thought I was crazy, and he went on a three day fast to find out if God was saying that to me. But anyway past that, since then, it's become my passion.

There’s nothing wrong with having this stuff. But what I really want to pass on is His presence because we were created to be in His presence. We were created for that intimacy with Him. I could give them all the earthly things, and it's important that we do. Give them the best we can. But if I miss out on giving them the presence of Jesus I’ve failed as a mother. If I'm going to forget, let me forget to give them lunch, but let me not forget to give them the Word of God. You and I, we don't forget to feed them naturally So let me not forget the spiritual man ‘cause this is the one that I have been entrusted with that will last forever.

Nancy: I think perhaps that is the most glorious thing to give our children is knowing the presence of God in our home and them seeing it in our lives.

Nadia: And you should see my little Grace. Without even knowing it, when you become (God is so good), I get in the Spirit, God is so good. My little Grace, she’s two, and she has health issues that God is working on and she can’t even completely speak perfectly. But you will see her. I got out of my room in the morning. My children I have always had this habit since my first one after their breakfast the little ones I put them before a screen (with worship music) I tell them it's your worship time and that will give me time in the Word. It's a habit I’ve had for 15 years. I just turned around. I came out of my room and she was already sitting her hands were up and she was singing “He is the Life, He is the way.” Her hands were lifted, nobody was in the room, nothing. It was her alone (with God). She's two years old.

Nancy: That's’ amazing.

Nadia: I said to God this is what I gave up for the presence of God, for her to know You and he can if we create that atmosphere.

Nancy: Wow, that is so incredible. Do you want to update the ladies about Gracie?

Most people probably, most people don’t even know, but little Gracie was born a little special baby, wasn’t she? Do you want to tell them?

Nadia: Well, she was born with quite a list of health issues. It wasn’t definitely an easy journey The doctors called it incurable and she didn’t have a good report, let's just put it that way. But you know what, praise God. God never makes a mistake with each one He gives us. So we took our baby Grace home when she was discharged, and we've been believing God and some of the ladies have prayed.

Every day we stand on his Word. Because I have come to believe that it does not matter what circumstances I’m going through, the Word of God is forever settled in heaven, it's true. Therefore If I'm experiencing something different from what I’m reading in the Bible; it's not the Bible that needs to change, it's my circumstances that need to change. So we continue to stand on the Word of God that says that she is healed. To this day Grace who couldn't see, she sees. God miraculously healed her and gave her vision.

Nancy: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, that’s amazing

Nadia: And her eyesight has continued to be perfect. Better.

Nancy: That’s amazing.

Nadia: Oh yeah, when we brought her home, she could not move her neck, it was stuck in one area. She looks everywhere, you know. Those hands, I was telling you she was lifting up praising, she could not lift up. She could not even pick up, by almost a year, she couldn’t even pick up her little cheerios to eat. Now she plays with toys. She lifts up her hands to worship God.

Nancy: Praise the Lord.

Nadia: I mean there are many lists. She would go twelve days as a newborn without having a bowel movement. Now she has one every day. She's so funny cause she knows. When I take off her diaper and she’s had a bowel movement she goes “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” ‘Cause we praise God for every bowel movement! We shout! And she just loves that.

Nancy: So wonderful, yes.

Nadia: Is the process done? No. But I believe that He who has begun a good work will bring it to completion.

Nancy: Yes, amen, praise the Lord.

Nadia: So we continue to stand on the Word of God for that.

Nancy: Oh, well time has run out on us again. Let’s pray shall we:

“)h Father, We just thank you, Lord. As my sister was talking to me yesterday, she was saying, ‘Nancy, I've just got a new name for God, He is our Beckoning God and how true, Lord God, You beckon us. You beckon us closer. You beckon us into Your presence and we thank You and Lord we confess before You today the thing that we long for most is to know You and to know Your presence in our lives and in our homes and in each one of our children's lives.

We pray Lord God, I pray for each precious mother listening, that Lord You will give her this passion in her heart. I pray that You will show her, Lord what things that are just going on in their lives that really don’t matter. That they could put aside for better things, Lord, so many things we do, well everything we do is good because we only want to do good things but, Lord, there's so much that's even better than the good. We pray that You will help us to enter into what is the best. And Lord God, that we will rather just do everything in our power to bring Your presence into our homes than to be involved in all the things that we think are so important.

Lord God, we just pray, we pray for a great moving of your Spirit in our own lives and in the lives of every family listening, that, Lord You will, Oh God, that we will no longer be normal, ordinary, boring, families that are hardly any different from the world except that we go to church on Sunday but our lives, oh God, will be different every moment of the day, filled with Your presence. We ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Nadia: Amen. Thank you, Lord

Transcribed by Daisy Erwin.