Yesterday we read that it is good to draw near to the Lord.

This morning at Family Devotions we read about another "good" thing to do. Lamentations 3:26 says, "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord."

The Hebrew for "quietly wait" is "silent, or dumb." In other words, keep your mouth shut! Moffat translates it correctly, "It is good to wait in silence for the help of the Eternal."

Isn't it amazing how we habitually do the opposite? We find it hard to be patient to wait for the Lord to bring deliverance to our situation. But, God brings His salvation at the perfect time.

Joseph expected to be released from prison immediately after he interpreted the dreams of the baker and butler, but it was another two long years after he had already been in prison for a length of time. But, God delivered him at the very perfect time and he became next in power to the Pharaoh of Egypt. If he had been delivered before that time, that would not have happened!

When did Jesus show up at the tomb of Lazarus? After he had been dead for four days! But it was the perfect timing.

Are you getting impatience because your deliverance has not yet come? You're not very silent! God is getting a lot of complaints in His ears!

Do you think you could try to shut your mouth? The best thing you can do is wait for God's timing. It will be the perfect timing.

Love from Nancy

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