It’s our attitude that counts, isn’t it? What kind of an attitude did you wake up with this morning?

Don’t let your feelings control your attitude. Determine your attitude and your feelings will follow! That’s the victorious way to live!

I was challenged today by the attitude of Jesus. When He came from the glory of heaven to this earth to accomplish the Father’s will, He didn’t do it grudgingly, but He delighted to do the Father’s will, even though it meant giving His life. Psalm 40: 8 says, “I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God.” His was the ultimate sacrifice, and yet He DELIGHTED to do His Father’s will.

You are in the Father’s will as you create a godly home and tenderly nurture the children God has given you. He is the One who has given you this task. What’s your attitude? Do you complain and groan? Or do you DELIGHT to do His will?

Change your attitude to DELIGHT today. Check out Deuteronomy 28:46-47 which tells us that God takes His blessing from us when we do not serve Him with “joyfulness, and with gladness of heart.”

Love from Nancy

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