May all of us make 1 Corinthians 14:1a our theme for the weekend. NIV says, "Follow the way of love", NLT says, "Let love be your highest goal!", ESV says, "Pursue love", KJV says, "Follow after charity", ISV says, "Keep on pursuing love", and the Aramaic Bible in plain English says, "Run after love". We need to pursue love even if we feel unloved, even if our nature tries pulling us away from love, even if our spouse is behaving unlovingly, even if our child is wayward, and even if someone is behaving in a hurtful manner. Remember Matt 5:46, "For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?" Let us be pursuers of love, all the time, with everyone. May the love of Christ shine so brightly through each of us today. He can do it through us! Love Michelle

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