Each sex was created differently and made to fulfill different roles, in their respective and equal image bearing of their Creator.

I have just returned from a trip where I saw many same sex couples. I noticed that all of them still played very clear male and female roles. Isn't that interesting? You cannot get away from it. Even in the perversion of the original design for marriage, the same God given roles are there.

How can it be argued that one is "born" attracted to the same sex, when they then end up converting to those same masculine and feminine roles within that same sex relationship? They do not both behave feminine, and they do not both behave masculine.

I think this testifies to God's original design. When I teach my children the truth about family and marriage, I am able to point out that even in perversion, we still see the truth of the fact that male and female He created them.

He did not create male or female to choose to act or behave like the opposite sex. This is not original design, this is deception, perversion and sin.

We need to speak out, lest our children get desensitized in our corrupt world.

Love Michelle



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