Part 3

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer"
(Romans 12:12).

HopeAttitude2Forgive me ladies, I had originally written this post as Part 2 but sent Part 3 to you last week as Part 2 by mistake. However, it doesn't matter really what order they come in. So here's some more thoughts about hope today. We have been learning that our hope is a living hope and that we must daily feed it to keep it alive and growing. Here's another adjective about hope:


We not only have hope but we rejoice in hope. In good times or bad-or even rotten times, we keep smiling. We continue rejoicing. We speak good things. Words of fear do not come out of our mouths! Can I hear an Amen?
Attitudes are contagious. When people speak words of fear it affects everyone around them. But when we rejoice and speak positive words, they affect everyone around us for good. Even during this virus, rejoice. Let your rejoicing be contagious.

We know that "death and life is in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). The Passion translation says: "Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life." We must choose what we want to do.

So many precious people have been bound down with fear because of the fearmongering during this corona virus. It seems to me that the fear of the virus is worse than the virus. It's time we got out of fear and into hope. It's time we began spreading messages of cheer and hope. To spread words of health, positivity, and cheer brings salvation and healing. Words of fear bring death.

Praise the Lord, I believe we are moving into a time of hope., Millions have been praying against this virus, Praying that it will be abated by the end of this month or BEFORE! And God is answering prayer. It's even flattening in New York which is the epicenter of the virus. Although it is sad to hear New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo state: "Our behavior has stopped the spread of the virus. God did not stop the spread of the virus." Obviously, he is ignorant of the millions of intercessors across this country. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. Look what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar when he took the glory to himself instead of giving it to God (Daniel 4:30-33).

It was most interesting to hear on the Laura Ingraham Show last night that in California there have been 780 deaths from the virus (and mostly deaths are from those who also have other related issues, sometimes two or three). It seems a huge number but that is in a population of nearly 40 million which works out to only .002 percent, much less than one percent. This is far less than most other diseases.

Maybe you personally know of people who have the virus, or may have died, but unbelievably, although I know many people, not only around where I live, but across the nation and the world, I personally don't know of one person who has this virus. Isn't that amazing in a so-called pandemic?

Romans 12:12 tells us to "REJOICE in hope." This same Scripture reminds us to "endure in suffering." The New English Translation says: "Rejoice in hope, endure in suffering, persist in prayer." We keep hoping in the midst of stress and tribulation.

Romans 15:13 reminds us that when the God of hope dwells in us that He fills us with "ALL JOY AND PEACE in believing."

Did you get that? ALL joy! Not half joy and half fear, but ALL JOY. Not a little peace, but ALL PEACE. The Passion translation says: "Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him."

Romans 14:17 says: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost."

May you live in the overwhelming blessings of joy and hope today,


"Dear Father, We thank you that you are Jehovah Rapha, the One who says, 'I am the LORD that healeth thee.' We thank You for Your healing power. We thank You that You are our Savior, our Deliverer, our Hope, and our Fortress. We trust in You and we ask You to deliver us as a nation, even though we are not worthy. We have sinned. Abortion, the murder of precious lives continues every day. We live in a nation where homosexuality is law abiding. How can it be? We don't deserve Your mercy with such evil all around us. But we pray that You will continue to hear the cry of Your people across this nation and that You will bring healing to our land and other nations. We pray that You will bring repentance and a great sweeping move of your Holy Spirit that will draw people back to you and Your righteous and holy ways. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen."


I am speaking words of cheer, hope, life, and healing to my family and everyone I meet. I will not allow a negative word to come from my mouth!