“Tell the older women to be reverent in their behavior, teaching what is good . . .
That way they can mentor young women to love their husbands and children . . .”
(Titus 2:3, 4).

Motherhood has its seasons. At last we are getting to the FOURTH WATCH. Many mothers flake out at this watch. They think they have finished with this “motherhood thing” and can get on with other things in life. This is the season when our children grow and leave the nest.

Of course, we find time to do many other things in this season of life, but we never discard motherhood. Motherhood is who we are. It’s who God created us to be. We do other things, but we ARE mothers. Physically and innately. It will never change until we meet Jesus face to face.

This fourth watch should be a time of the enlarging motherhood, rather than the lessening. Sadly, because of society’s trend many women are left bereft at this season. I often meet fellow older couples when traveling back and forth to Above Rubies retreats. I feel sad when I hear they only raised two children and now these children are at colleges in other states with no thought of getting married. This is the time they should be embracing grandchildren, but there are none in sight. Even when their children are married, they do not want children! They have been conditioned with the wrong mindset.

As our children leave our nest, we should be adding more and more to our family. Family is a living and growing thing. It should never stagnate, but always be growing. Grandchildren coming. Then great-grandchildren coming.

Apart from enjoying grandchildren and great-grandchildren, God has given the older women a responsibility. A divine mandate. A biblical command. We encourage, train, and teach by word and example the young mothers. We teach and show them how to be great wives and mothers. We show them how to love their husbands. We show them and inspire them how to embrace motherhood and keep their homes in order.

If we are not faithful to fulfil this mandate, we fail the next generation. There are very few older mothers taking up this mantle. This is why we have myriads of women who have left their homes and gone AWOL! Did I say AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave)? Yes. Motherhood is the home army that God talks about in Psalm 68:11, 12. Mothers are needed in their homes to raise their children. When mothers leave their homes, the enemy has a chance to get hold of the minds and souls of the children. Unless we are with our children, we don’t know how they are being mothered (at day care) or what they are being taught at school.

Most older mothers are out at work and therefore not showing to the younger generation the role of the mother. The younger generation has no example.

But many will reply: “But there’s nothing to do at home now.” Dear mother on the fourth watch, God doesn't take away your motherhood career just because your children have grown! You are entering a greater realm of motherhood. The double, triple portion watch! There is a world of afflicted and hurting people waiting to be loved, encouraged, and ministered to. Ask God who He wants you to reach out to. Ask Him who He wants you to gather into your home to love and nurture. Now that your children are grown, you have more time to minister to the broken-hearted and to uplift and strengthen the downcast and disillusioned.

Your home can be filled with showing hospitality and you’ll never have a bored moment. In fact, as you get a vision to pour out your nurturing anointing by blessing people around your table, you’ll hardly have enough time to minister to every mother and family that God puts upon your heart.

Rise up, older mothers. You don’t have time to waste your life earning a bit of extra pocket money. You have a world of young mothers who need help; single mothers who need uplifting and strengthening; young singles who need inspiring in the ways of God instead of the ways of the world; older people who are lonely and have no one to care for them; children who need caring for; those who are sick and in prison; and the hurting, troubled, and brokenhearted all around you (Matthew 25:31-46). You have a full-time ministry.

God has given you a home! Don't vacate it. Your home is the greatest place to serve God in the entire world. Ask God who He wants you to invite into your home for a meal. Ask a family over to supper to encourage and bless them. Ask a young mother, with her children, over to lunch to bless her and encourage her. Or take her on a picnic. Open your home in hospitality. Open your doors wide. You will never be bored again.

And start proactively encouraging your children to get married. And encourage them to have children. That’s what the Bible tells us to do (Jeremiah 29:6).

The fourth watch is the last watch of the night. This is the time of the morning when the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12 and 14). It’s when Jesus came walking on the water to help the disciples who were in the storm (Matthew 14:25-33). This a time for miracles. This is a time for you to allow the Holy Spirit to move through you to touch many lives. This is the time to minister “good cheer” to all God sends you to.

And it’s a time to pray like you’ve never prayed before. No excuses. No little children around to disturb you! Pray for your family. Pray for the nation. Pray for the world.

1 Thessalonians 5:6: “Let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Dear Father, please help me to take on my responsibility as an older mother. You have given me the responsibility to train my own children for motherhood. And there are so many other mothers around me. Many are discouraged, lonely, and overwhelmed. Show me how I can encourage them and lead them into your truth and Your ways. Amen.”


I’m in the Fourth Watch. I will not give up until I reach the finishing line!