My Highest Purpose, Pt. 1 - No. 106

Isaiah 43:7, “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”

These wonderful words were spoken to Israel and they will be fulfilled in God’s covenant people. However, these words also speak to us who have been brought into God’s family by the blood of Jesus that was shed for us. Before we can accomplish all that God has for us, we must first know His basic purpose for our lives.

1. We were created for His glory.

Isn’t this amazing? You were actually created to reveal God’s glory. This gives wonderful meaning to life, doesn’t it?

Look at 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (2 Corinthians 6:16)

Not only are we to glorify God by revealing and gentle and quiet spirit but we are to glorify God in our body. We cannot align ourselves with “a woman’s right to choose” because it is God’s right to choose. Our life is not our own. Our body is not our own. It was made for His glory. How can a lawnmower give glory to its maker? By functioning as the designer planned it. How can a sewing machine give glory to its maker? By working according to the way it was designed. When it breaks down, it certainly doesn’t glorify its maker. The designer gets a bad name!

In the same way, we give glory to God in our body by keeping it in good health and working order so that it can function according to the glorious way our Creator designed us. We do not glorify God by cutting off some function of the body that He has designed and created. Sadly many do this today by sterilization. The Living Bible says, “God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give glory back to God, because He owns it.” I am sure that “every part” means every part!

But there is more yet! God says that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for “temple” is not “hieron” which represents the whole temple, but it is the word, “naos” which refers to the Holy of Holies, the place where God’s presence dwelt! Oh this is too incredible! God wants your body to be a dwelling place for His presence so He can be revealed and glorified in this earth. The Knox translation says, “Surely you know that your bodies are the shrines of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you… glorify God by making your bodies the shrines of His presence.”

When Jesus died, the thick veil hiding the Holy of Holies from the eyes of man was torn apart. God has now chosen the human body to be His “naos” where He dwells. He is no longer confined to one temple but dwells in “naos’s” all over the world. This is how God is able to fill the earth with His glory – every believer a shrine for the indwelling of His presence so He can walk, live and be revealed all over the earth - in every body, every home, every city and every nation!

And think of this. The more children that we bring into this world, the more bodies there are for God to fill with His presence. Therefore the more of God’s ways, His light, His truth, His love and His righteousness will fill the earth. What a vision!

We must remember of course that God cannot fill our “naos” unless the blood is shed. The high priest could not enter that sacred place without the blood. The blood makes the way for God’s presence in our lives. Live in the cleansing of the blood as He forgives you of the sins you confess to Him. Live under the protection of the blood as you acknowledge the power of the blood of Jesus to save you and deliver you.





“Oh Lord, please help me to comprehend your amazing purpose for my life, that my body is a sacred place for your presence. Please cleanse me from every evil sin in my life that I will truly be a holy temple to reveal your glory in this world. Help me to reveal your glory in my home, in my kitchen, in my daily relationships and wherever I walk. Amen.”




Wherever I walk and every time I open my mouth, I have the opportunity to reveal God’s glory.