GoldCrownDid you know that God wants you to wear a golden crown on your head each day? In fact, we can’t live without it. We learn this from the clothing God designed for the high priest. Everything that was written in the Old Testament was written for our learning (Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11). And of course, we are now called “kings and priests unto God” (Revelation 1:6; and 5:10).

We read that Aaron had to wear a miter (turban) on his head. God also commanded Moses to make a plate of pure gold into a crown and engrave it with the words, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. Aaron wore the golden crown, which was placed on blue lace and attached to the turban, on his forehead. And he had to wear it CONTINUALLY.

This golden crown was called “THE HOLY CROWN.” It speaks of keeping our minds pure and holy before the Lord. All evil comes through the mind. This is where we are first tempted. And therefore it is most important to wear our holy crown each day. We don’t wear it physically, but by faith we put on our golden crown reading, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.

When evil thoughts come to your mind, you don’t have to accept them. They hit the golden crown of holiness and bounce off. When grumbling, complaining, self-pitying, and negative thoughts come to your mind, you don’t have to accept them. You have a protective golden crown on your forehead. Resist them in the name of Jesus.

Not only did Aaron have to wear the crown continually, but it had to be saturated with the anointing oil, speaking of the HOLY Spirit. We cannot do this in the power of the flesh, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Learn to wear your crown by faith each day. Teach your children this lesson and how to get into the habit of wearing it.

Be blessed as you wear your golden holy crown today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. You can read all about it in these Scriptures: Exodus 28:36-38; 29:6, 7; 39:30, 31; and Leviticus 8:9-11.


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