PleaseGod2“Dear Father, please pour out your Holy Spirit upon me today. I cannot fulfill this great task of raising the children You have given me in my own strength. I look to You for Your strength, Your wisdom, Your refreshing, Your patience and longsuffering, and Your anointing. Please come alongside me and help me to raise

godly children in this ungodly world
holy children in this unholy world
pure children in this impure and unclean world
truth-loving and truth-keeping children in this deceived world
overcoming children in this evil world
God-seeking children in this entertainment seeking world
Bible-believing and Bible-loving children in this humanistic world, and
prayer-loving children in the midst of a prayer-less church.

This is my life. This is my vision. Please enable me, Oh God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

~ Nancy Campbell