MyChildrenI loved this following post I read on Facebook the other morning--written by Allison Frost Hartman. She wrote: “People ask me every day, ‘How do you do it with nine children?’ Well, this past week I experienced life with only one child. My parents graciously offered to keep all our children except the baby for VBS.

Now my question is to you all with only one or two little ones: ‘How do YOU do it?’ It was a nice week to spend with my husband, Daniel, and baby Solomon. However, I would not want to do it for very long. I learned this week that our household needs every single one my people--the little ones and the big ones. It may be a loud, crazy, messy, chaotic house but I love it! God knows what we need, and I NEED MY CHILDREN.”

I enjoyed some of the comments to her post also: “I agree. I am lost without my children and I like them right underneath me as crazy as that sounds! I won’t even let my mom or sisters keep them, especially overnight. I feel so lost without them under me.”

“I don't know what to do with myself with my children not around. It makes me really regret all the time I wasted before children! My goodness, I would have been able to conquer the world!”

God’s Word is certainly true when He calls our children “blessings,” not “nuisances”!

Enjoy your children today,


Picture: Daniel and Allison and Hartman and their lovely family.