PowerofWordsKristin Eason, an Above Rubies reader sent in this poem: 
The heart reveals itself in words, the truth to all exposed,
Which kingdom you are living for to others is disclosed.
Words of love and unity or words of hate and death
Are spoken in the presence of the One who gave you breath.
Each idle word in secret will one day be revealed,
The words you spoke in darkness will no longer be concealed.
Words of accusation against another brother,
Will quench the Holy Spirit when you criticize another.
If we hope to be shown mercy, merciful we now must be
For words are seeds we’ll harvest when we reach eternity.
By words we will be justified or we will be condemned,
For they reveal the inward part, the hidden heart within.
If the heart is right with God, our words will surely show,
His love and tender mercies from the mouth will overflow.
So keep your heart with diligence, take heed and contemplate,
Take time to reconsider before it is too late.
Unruly is the tongue of man before the heart’s reborn,
Submit to God, repent and turn, your sin lament and mourn.
The language made in heaven no tongue alone can learn,
But is put there by the Spirit when the heart from sin will turn.
A death to self--the only way to speak this language new,
With God all things are possible, He does what man can’t do.
Open up your mouth to see the health within your soul,
For you will quickly find to Whom you’ve given up control.
Light and dark both cannot dwell; one stays and one must leave.
Be sure your sin will find you out for words do not deceive.

Kristin’s children are Emma (16), Rylan (13), Ellie (8), Nathan (4), Elizabeth (1).

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