Motherhood | Motherhood Quotes No. 1

motherhood quotes 1MOTHERHOOD QUOTES, No 1.

"The earth quakes when a mother understands her destiny on earth and begins to pray over her domain."
~ Evangeline Johnson 

“There is no higher height to which humanity can attain than that occupied by a converted, heaven-inspired, praying mother.”

“Some day before the throne you’ll stand in glory
And hear from Me these words of comfort clear:
“Those years of motherhood, they are not wasted,
For lo, dear one, your children are all here.”
~ Mrs. G. Christian Weiss

“Several men were discussing the merits of various translations of the Bible. One man remained silent until asked his favorite version. ‘I like my mother’s translation best. She translated it into life and it was the most convincing version I ever saw.”

“Think of the possibility of raising a multitude of men and women whose bodies have never been poisoned by vicious indulgences, whose minds have been enlightened and filled with the principles of divine truth from their infancy, and whose hearts, from their earliest days, have been inspired with the love of Christ and possessed with the ONE SUPREME AMBITION to glorify the Father, dethrone the devil, destroy sin, and save the world!”
~ William Booth

“Mothers of young children, your work is most holy. You are fashioning the destinies of immortal souls. The powers folded up in the little ones that you hushed to sleep in your bosoms last night, are powers that shall exist forever. You are preparing them for their immortal destiny and influence. Be faithful. Take up your sacred burden reverently. Be sure that your heart is pure and that your life is sweet and clean.”
~ J. R. Miller

An editor of a London newspaper submitted to Winston Churchill, for his approval, a list of all those who had been his teachers. Looking at the list Winston remarked, ‘You have omitted the greatest of all my teachers—my mother.’”

“The mother is the irreplaceable foundation of a home.”
~ Karen Andreola

“Mother, you are not wasting your life in your home. God says that children are at the very center of life in the kingdom of God. When you take time to hold a little child on your lap, you are wielding a mighty power. You are in the perfect will of God. You are not only doing something that is good. You are doing what is BEST. You are in the very center of God’s heart.
~ Nancy Campbell

"You cannot nurture the nations if you cannot learn to nurture at your front door first."
~ Evangeline Johnson